Trump's work visa ban challenged
More than 50 technology companies and organizations, including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook, filed an amicus brief on Monday in support of lawsuits against the Trump administration's suspension of work visas.
US President Donald Trump issued a proclamation in April suspending the entry of nearly all immigrants to the US due to the high unemployment rate.
He issued another proclamation in June, extending the April order through the end of this year and expanding it by imposing new restrictions on a variety of work visas.
A diverse set of parties, including the US Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Retail Federation, have filed lawsuits in California and Washington federal courts to challenge the president's orders.
Twenty-two states and the District of Columbia filed an amicus (friend of the court) brief in support of the suits on Aug 7, warning that the visa ban could result in economic fallout.
Specifically, the proclamations "will stifle innovation, hinder growth, and ultimately harm US workers, businesses, and the economy more broadly in irreparable ways", according to the brief.
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