Spring girl walked with light steps, came to the world, it sent the winter uncle away, with the spring wind to green the grass clothes, but also let the ice of the river melt.
我和妈妈迎着春风,来到了公圆,当我们走过富有弹性的泥土的时候,小草已不知不觉地露出了头,把它踩斜的时候,它又抬起了头,好象在对我们说:“春天在这里!” 当我们走到小河旁,我又看见小虾、小乌龟、小鲤鱼,它们正在河里欢快地游来游去,好象要准备迎接春姑娘的到来。 时间不早了,我和妈妈准备离开,忽然下起了一阵春雨,雨密密麻麻的,轻柔地洒在我的脸上,凉丝丝的,一直凉到我的心里。
Spring is so beautiful. If the earth is always spring, how nice it is!!!