

发布时间:2020-08-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

3月2日 星期日 天气:阴 今天,我很早地完成了作业,来到表哥家,哎呀!表哥正在练习打乒乓球,我顿时来了劲,“表哥,我跟你打一局。”只见表哥一手抓住球,一手握住球板,瞟了我一眼,“你行吗?”看他的样子,真是瞧不起我。


"Why can't I? I also won the first place in the school women's table tennis competition! " I said unconvinced. Said, said, then took the ball board from the table, said to the elder brother: "come on, try!" We have set up the rectangular table and are ready to fight. One, two, three Ah! My brother's ball is really fierce. I had to take off my padded jacket. "The second game is mine." One to two, one to three, two to five I lost the second set again. My brother shook his racket and said seriously, "well, you are not my opponent, are you the first?"


I really don't want to fight any more, but I still said to my brother, "another game." One to two, two to three, three to one This game, I played very carefully, 11 to 10, yeah! I won. I was bouncing home with the board, and suddenly I felt like my brother had been lenient in the last game to encourage me. But I'm still happy because I learned a little bit from my brother about serving and drawing - ferocity and quickness.


I am determined to take it as a new starting point, guard against arrogance and rashness, practice harder and strive to become an athlete like Sang Lan.


上一篇: 春天

下一篇: 小小的我

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