Shenzhen is a beautiful city. There are many tall buildings, supermarkets and parks. In the evening, the rush of people from work, the continuous flow of bright lights, began to illuminate every corner of Shenzhen, colorful, beautiful. Every tree on the road is covered with lights. In the distance, it looks like many shining stars. It's beautiful to put on shining clothes for the long road!
In defence of shyness 为害羞的人辩护
There's method to my madness 我有一个不合常理的办法
In good nick 品质好、没有损坏
Hot potato 棘手的问题“烫手山芋”
White / blue-collar worker 白领,蓝领
The problem with big brains 聪明大脑所带来的问题
Going forward 从今往后
Close, but no cigar 几近成功
Are you addicted to your phone? 你是不是玩手机上瘾了?
It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响