Today, I went to Dad's school and came to his dormitory. As soon as I came in, I called out, "Wow, how can it be so messy?" At first glance, it looks like dad lives in a garbage room. The bookshelf is full of books on the table. There are four tables in the room. Besides books, there are bags, pens, electric kettle for boiling water and a pile of cotton on the table near the south window, which are probably taken out of his pillow. The table next to the east wall is relatively new, but it is also full of things: lamp, book, washbasin, tooth cup, toothbrush, toothpaste with the lid open, toilet paper, bath gel, lighter, cigarette and razor. Under this table are hot water bottles, buckets, electric kettles and a bag of things for bathing. There is a student table beside the bed, which is used to put unused quilts, but at this time, there is also a tube of mats and several coats on the quilts. Next to this table is an empty cloth closet. Its skeleton is broken, but it's still standing there. It can't hold clothes in it. It's like waiting for someone to push it. He can fall down relaxed.
In addition to these three tables, there is also a table in the middle of the room. But it's also full of stuff: books, ashtrays, sweatpants and a borrowed laptop. There is a summer electric fan on the chair beside this table. And a little food. Among them, the leftover biscuits become ashtrays. The quilt on his bed is not folded, and there are still some clothes on it.
Dad is living such a sloppy life, and it's hard to imagine him teaching alone in the country. From dawn to dusk, do not pay attention to their own lives. He will also squeeze time to visit me in Ninghai and help me with my homework. I will tell my mother what I see when I go home.