I'm going to learn dancing this Thursday evening, so I'll do my homework as soon as I get home from school. Fortunately, today's homework is very few, only 3. After finishing my homework, I also read several compositions and watched TV for a while.
After dinner, mom and dad will take me to dance. As soon as I arrived at the dancing place, I found that the dance classroom had become beautiful. On both sides of the walls were pasted with beautiful flowers. On the flowers, there were several beautiful butterflies and two lovely kittens.
开始上课了,因为离考试还很久,所以都练习基本功,老师叫我们不要怕痛,还说今年要教一套新的基本功。跳的 时候 老师的动作很优美,可是我却做不到那么优美,所以我一定要努力学习,天天向上。