We came to the field, rape out of the golden flowers, a few bees buzzing in the flowers to pick honey. Wheat seedlings are green, like a green dress for the field.
When we came to the woods, the trees gave out little buds, like the notes of spring. Birds chirp and sing beautiful songs. The grass is green again, a scene of vitality.
我们来到花园里,刚进去,一阵香气扑鼻而来。仔细一看,里面百花争艳,五彩缤纷。有金灿灿的迎春花、粉红色的桃花、火红火红的杜鹃花、红艳艳的玫瑰花、紫色的玉兰花、鲜红的月季花…… 花朵上,几只蝴蝶在翩翩起舞,蜜蜂在采花朵上的蜜,美丽极了!
Spring is really a beautiful season, I love spring!