

发布时间:2020-07-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编


One day, little rabbit Jinjin was playing on the lawn. He would roll and jump for a while. It was not easy to have fun. All of a sudden, Jin Jin felt that his face was cool. He reached out and touched his face, then looked up at the sky: "ah! Why is it raining? " I think it must be a shower. It will stop in a while. I'd better hide in the nearby flowers first!


However, the rain is more and more heavy, like a broken line of beads falling down. Jin Jin thought: it's raining harder and harder. It seems that he can't stop for a while. My mother will be worried if I don't go home. So he put his hands around his head and ran home quickly. Within a few steps, the little rabbit found a big tree. There were several mushrooms under the tree. The mushroom looked like a little umbrella! Thinking of this, the little rabbit has an idea. I use mushrooms to make a little flower umbrella. In this way, I'm not afraid of being caught in the rain. He picked out the biggest mushroom and put it on his head and ran home. Now, Jin Jin has a mushroom umbrella, and is no longer afraid of the rain.


Jin Jin ran home. The mother rabbit saw Jin Jin's skirt and asked in surprise, "Jin Jin, why aren't you wet?" Jin Jin takes out the mushroom umbrella from behind and says mischievously, "I have the mushroom umbrella. Can the rain get to me?" Now, mother rabbit understood and smiled approvingly.


上一篇: 找春天

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