

发布时间:2020-07-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编


One day, it was sunny. The mother said to the baby chicken, "let's go for a walk and catch insects." The baby chicken is very happy. Come to the wild, the sun is warm, the grass is green.


The mother chicken took the baby chicken to the grass. There was a naughty little black chicken jumping and jumping on the grass. Suddenly, he found a bug. He looked back quickly for fear that his brother and sister would see it. So, he opened his mouth and ate it with relish. He walked forward while eating. He was very happy, but he was far away from his mother. At this time, a kitten quietly went to the black chicken, it thought: "O (∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩∩) Ha ha, this time it's coming. I can have a good meal. It pours at the little black chicken. As the chicken runs, it cries "Jiji". It seems to say, "help!"


When the mother of the chicken found that the chicken was gone, she found it. When she heard the chicken crow, he ran over quickly and saw a little cat chasing the chicken. He opened his wings and took a big step. He made great efforts to chase the cat dry.


Xiaohei remembers to save it. His mother said to him, "you naughty bag, disobedient and running around. It really makes me angry." The little black chicken listened, blushed and lowered his head, and said, "Mom, I'm wrong. I'll never do it again." The mother hen said, "it's a good child to know what's wrong and change it.".


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