Spring is coming, willows are dancing in the air, peach blossom is blushing on the branches, grass is waking up, green clothes are put on, seeds are waking up, it stretches its back, looks around, sees the amiable father-in-law of the sun, sees the clear water, also sees the lively children and the flowing spring rain, it happily says: ah! What a bright world!
它听到整齐的朗诵声,它又听到小鸟叽叽喳喳地欢叫声,原来它在一所学校。下午,一个个小朋友都陆续回家了,这时,有一个小朋友来到种子的身旁,弯下腰,两个腿蹲下,慢慢地给种子浇水,种子开心极了,像一 个快乐得小孩子,不久他俩就交上了好朋友。
One day, after class, a naughty little boy jumped up to the seed. He saw the seed corner and was curious. He wanted to pull out the seed. The seed was scared. At this critical moment, a young lady in a red scarf rushed over and stopped him. "No harm to the plants." the little boy had to go away sadly, and the seed had to suck cold, He smiled happily again.
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