Today, I was on my way to the park.
Suddenly, there was a strong wind. The trees on the side of the road were swayed by the wind.
I shivered and said to myself, "it's so cold. It would be nice if my mother could give me a cotton padded jacket. But what can I do if my mother is not here? " Then I wrapped my clothes tightly.
Let's go, let's go. Mom came, got off the bike, put on my cotton padded clothes, and said, "baby, it's freezing."
As soon as I looked back, I found that my mother took off her cotton padded clothes and put them on for me. I was moved and said, "mom is so nice."
上一篇: 《上天的蚂蚁》读后感
下一篇: 我的妈妈
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