There is a rabbit in my family. Its name is Xiaobai. It's very small, very white, very cute.
刚买来时,它很怕我,怕我把它杀了,总是我叫它,它就跑,就不听我的,后来,它和我一起的时间长了,它也慢慢信任我了,我叫它干嘛就干嘛。有一次,我让它下楼跟我赛跑,跑着跑着它忽然停了下来,我跑过去一看,它竟然睡着了,我 一拍它的屁股,它一下放了个臭屁,臭死了!
And once, it jumped around the house and made a mess of the house. My books were all one by one,. Once again, my father was listening to the music, and Xiaobai was dancing around with the music of "washing and brushing". Another time, I couldn't pass the exam. When I got home, he kept staring at the exam paper, as if he was making magic, trying to turn the paper into 100 points, but no matter how he looked at it, I suddenly laughed, and we started the reunion of human and animal again.