“六一”节的早上,我和妈妈来到公园,公园里人山人海,娱乐场都排起了长龙,排队太烦了。 于是,我和妈妈去动物园区看动物,小猴子、狮子、老虎、黑熊、梅花鹿。。。。。。狮子和老虎住在一个笼子里,一会儿打打架,一会儿恐怖地看着我们,突然有个游客扔给狮子和老虎一块鸡肉,狮子居然给了老虎吃,老虎吃了一半留给狮子吃,原来它们是好朋友,打架是闹着玩。
The most interesting thing is the little monkey. The naughty appearance makes people think it's funny. A little monkey actually catches a butterfly and puts it in his mouth. He may eat too much vegetable and want to eat some meat. Let his mouth pass. The tourists around can't help laughing.