夏天是一个会变脸的调皮男孩。一会儿笑哈哈,一会儿哭哭啼啼。有的时候一天都要变好几个脸色。天热了,老人们都会在树荫下乘凉,小孩们不管天气多么炎热,总是活蹦乱跳地在外面玩耍,一会儿蹦到西,一会儿蹦到东,玩得很开心。小鸟在树枝上唧唧喳喳地唱着歌:“太热了、太热了、太热了……。”老天爷像听见似的。一会儿乌云密布、狂风大作、电闪雷鸣、大雨滂沱 。人们还来不及跑回家,忽然雨停了,太阳四射,朝天边望去,天空上还有彩虹呢。
Sometimes God is not so angry, but suddenly thunder, rain rustle, the children continue to play in the rain on this happy rhythm. Only for a while, it's sunny and hot.
How lively summer is! How amazing summer is!
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