One of the things I remember most is to visit Tiananmen Gate in Beijing and watch the flag raising ceremony.
2006年夏季,我和爸爸妈妈到北京天安门游玩。凌晨一点就乘车从住处出发,刚走了一会 ,天空就飘起雨点,紧接着下起了倾盆大雨,车到达目的地——前门,雨仍然下个不停,我们立即躲在地下通道。雨停了,我们又 续赶路,用最快的速度跑向天安门,生怕错过升旗仪式这一幕,终于到了天安门广场。这时,我已经累得气喘呼,筋疲力尽。
I observed around the square and found that many foreign tourists also came to visit the flag raising ceremony in Tian'anmen Gate, Beijing.
Soon, the national anthem was broadcast, and the flag raising ceremony began. The armed police soldiers walked out of the gate of Tian'anmen with neat steps. The four people soldiers at the front lifted the national flag around with their hands and walked towards the flagpole. With the national singing, the national flag slowly rose. The magnificent scene still fresh in my memory.