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发布时间:2020-07-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


On Sunday, Grandpa and I went to the market to buy vegetables. As soon as I entered the market, I saw a peddler Hawking frogs. The peddler skillfully grabbed several frogs from the bucket beside him, cut his head with scissors, and threw his skin into another basin. In a short time, a living frog has become a delicacy on people's table. Then look at the rest of the frogs in the bucket are "quacking", as if they are calling for their dead friends! I feel very sad to see all this.


Frog is an excellent insect catcher in nature and a good friend of crops. It can jump up and catch pests 10-12cm high and 40-50cm away. Frog's tongue root is born in the front of the mouth, but the tip of the tongue is extended to the mouth, and bifurcated, the tongue is full of mucus, which can stick to pests. Frogs generally eat moths, mosquitoes, flies, snails and other pests. It can eat an average of 70 pests a day. According to this calculation, it can kill more than 15000 pests a year. Even its baby tadpole can eat 100 larvae. What a large number!


Buying and selling frogs are shameful. Let's all take action and protect our "little guard of the countryside" - frog!


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