我有四只小乌龟,他们叫淘淘、文文、可可和小小,他们很可爱也很胆小 。想知道他们有多胆小吗?告诉你吧!上次我用小棒本想逗他们玩儿,不想他们都吓的把头缩进壳壳里,半天不敢出来。
I like Wenwen best, because its eyes are big and bright, especially like wearing a pair of glasses, like a little doctor.
有一次,可可踩在小小的背上,爬上我给他们放的石头上晒太阳,它正面晒晒,反面 晒晒,看上去特逗。他们居住在一起,相处的一直很好,很少见他们打打闹闹。
A few days ago, I held a long-distance race for them. At my command, Taotao, Wenwen and coco all went their separate ways. Only a small person stood still. When he returned to his childhood, others had already run far away. The last one was not a small one. He usually ate more cocoa and moved less than I expected to win the long-distance race champion!
My four little turtles are lovely!