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发布时间:2020-07-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

记得我刚入队的时候,戴着鲜艳的红领巾可高兴了。 有一次吃饭的时候,我一不小心把菜汤滴在了红领巾上。妈妈说:“我帮你洗吧!”我说:“我自已洗。”于是,我先接了一盆水,把红领巾浸入水中。


Then, rub it with soap and hand. All of a sudden, I found that the soap bubble turned red. I quickly soaked the red scarf in the water, and the water turned red. I was shocked. When I joined the team, the teacher said, "the red scarf is dyed red with the blood of revolutionary martyrs. We should cherish it.". I cried out, "Mommy, Mommy, the red scarf is bleeding, the revolutionary martyrs are bleeding!" Mother came to see, laughing, said: "silly child, this is not blood, this is because the red scarf faded, you wash with water several times, it's OK." I asked strangely, "but, the red scarf has faded, isn't it going to become a white-collar scarf?" My mother said, "no, try it, no!" after listening to my mother, I washed the red scarf with clear water and found that it was still red.


Students, this is my first big joke when I wash red scarf. Do you have such experience? Red scarf "blood" flow, in the eyes of our adults that is impossible, but in the eyes of children it happened. This is the child's unique naive idea. The child's composition should have the child's unique innocence.


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