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发布时间:2020-07-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


From the beginning of my understanding, I like to listen to the story of journey to the West and watch the TV of journey to the West. In my impression, I have seen the TV and VCD of journey to the west at least ten times.


As long as "journey to the west" is shown on TV, I can even not eat, because I am not less scolded by my father. I will be happy, sad, anxious and angry with the development of the story. When my parents knew that I liked journey to the west, they bought me a set of comic strips and VCD films of journey to the West. In TV, I saw the image of the four teachers and apprentices in journey to the West for the first time, and I knew what was the golden cudgel and the tight hoop mantra for the first time. Sometimes when mom and Dad take me out to the bookstore, I always ask Mom and dad to buy back something related to journey to the West.


The most charming character in the journey to the west is monkey king. The monkey, who has a vast range of powers, is unique and unrestrained, and has become the ideal symbol and sustenance of children. The 81 difficulties on the way to the west, as well as the magical, weird and exciting conflicts between gods and Demons along the way, reflect the tribulations and hardships in the process of learning scriptures. "Zhenjing" has become a symbol of "success" and "goal". Whenever I encounter difficulties, I always think of the spirit of Monkey King to help master Tang Monk get the Scripture, not afraid of difficulties and indomitable, and I will be brave and overcome one difficulty after another.


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