银羊辞旧岁,金猴迎新春。今年过年家里有许多人都给我压岁钱,我说老师不让要压岁钱,可是大家都说我是小孩应该要。我想就把这些压岁钱留着买书、交学费等,不能乱花。 在我的压岁钱里,有50元钱让我最难忘。
It was given to me by my aunt who went back to grandma's house in the countryside. At that time, my aunt didn't go to grandma's house to see us because she opened a shop in the village. On the way back, my father took me and my mother to aunt's shop. Sitting in the car, I saw them standing at the door of the shop. It was my aunt and her two children. Because of the cold weather, their faces were red with cold.
My aunt gave me new year's money, which I firmly don't want, but later it will cost 50 yuan. Because the countryside is not rich, my father gave my brother and sister 200 yuan. I used my new year's money to buy a schoolbag for my sister, and also gave it to them. Next year, I will use new year's money to buy books for them and help them.