Grandpa has a little white dog in his family. It is hairy, white and white, and it often flexibly turns two round eyes, barking and barking while running.
In fact, little white dog has many little-known and interesting experiences. The little white dog is greedy. Once, the little white dog might be hungry. He happened to put a pair of front paws into the puddle beside the kitchen. He sniffed and smelled with his sensitive nose. He really wanted to find something delicious. He could get wet all over. He shook his head hard and splashed dirty water everywhere. Grandpa saw it and rushed to blow it out. Unexpectedly, there was a long chain of plum blossom marks left behind it. It's so beautiful!
小白狗有时也爱“学习”呢!表哥在做作业时,它常常陪伴左右。一次,表哥的作业本从桌子上掉了下来,小白狗连忙跑过去左看看右瞧瞧,不知从哪里衔来一支铅笔,在作业本上做起 “练习” 来呢!有时低头思考,时而抬头嗯嗯叫,好像在问:“这个答案对吗?”看着它那认真学习的模样,我和表哥都忍俊不已,笑得前仰后翻。
The most interesting thing is that when the little white dog is bored, he always chases his raised tail, and can't stop biting it with one bite. He is so stupid that he turns around. Such a happy look is really endearing!