Today, my mother and I went to take the train. The trains in the railway station are all on the platform, but they are all ordinary means of transportation. If only we could invent a magic train in the future
这种火车是用高科技材料制成,去乘坐的时候不用带行李。衣物等,你只要把放在卧铺。凳子或桌子上的单填写你要的东西,机器人就可以帮你把想要的东西送到你手上;这种火车的驾驶室有两个按扭,一左一右,当铁路要修理的时候,按 一下右边的按扭,火车就能像汽车一样在公路上行驶,这样又快速又方便;这种火车还具有调温功能,炎热的夏天里,火车会变得比空调房还凉快,寒冷的冬天里,火车里会变的比在烤炉边还暖和。
Well, the train I invented is amazing. Please come and take it when you are free.