One day, Xiaoming went to school and found that the faucet in the bathroom was not turned off. He ran to turn it off. He turned around and ran back. He wrote a note next to the faucet, saying, "please save water and don't waste it." Then Xiao Ming went to school happily. If I had such a thing, I would have done the same.
It takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响
Cyborg beetle and the teenage brain 半机械甲虫,青少年脑部发育
Pull something out of the hat 突施妙计
To fall at the first hurdle 跌倒在第一关
To make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做
To make a monkey out of me 捉弄我
Crash course 速成课
Get someone's goat 火冒三丈
There's method to my madness 我有一个不合常理的办法
Test the water 试探,摸底
The last/final straw 忍无可忍,使人最终崩溃的一击
White / blue-collar worker 白领,蓝领
Phelps makes history and marine species 菲尔普斯创造历史,海洋新物种
Bust a gut 拼了命地工作
Bored at work? Sue the boss! 工作无聊怪老板?
One good turn deserves another 以德报德,礼尚往来
Lights! Camera! English! 灯光,摄像机,英语!
Cyclists make Olympic history, 400-year-old shark 英国自行车运动员创英奥运历史,400岁格陵兰鲨鱼
Barefaced 厚颜无耻的
Hangry 饥饿成怒
In the blink of an eye 一眨眼之间
Bye bye Big Ben's bongs 与大本钟的钟声暂时告别
Glass-bottomed bridge, cancer risk for HRT and 120-year-old man 世界最长玻璃桥开放,荷尔蒙替代疗法增患癌风险,印度教120岁僧人
Old-school 老一套,老派
Online Shopping 网上购物-英语点津
Axe to grind 别有用心
Would you let your baby sleep in a box? 你愿意让自己的宝宝在盒子里睡觉吗?
Too much stuff 物质主义和简约主义
Cheap and cheerful 物美价廉
You're pulling my leg! 你在愚弄我!