Today, I go to Xinqiao park. What do you think I will do? By the way, flying kites.
At first, the kite couldn't fly. Later, I took a physical examination of my bat kite. After the physical examination, it was found that one of the bat's wings was injured, and then it was treated immediately. But in a moment it was cured.
Next I'll show it its flying ability. I didn't expect it to fly very high, so that the kite next to me could look at my black bat kite. Of course, I'm not easy to get into trouble. One bat wanted to fly to attack me, but he didn't know that I was ready to fight back. The bat rushed to me just like a flash, and the bat stopped in a hurry. Then I ordered my bat kite to attack the bat kite.
Sun Gong is about to leave work, so I will tell my mother, can my mother go home? Mother said, yes. At last I went home with joy.
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