Yesterday, my mother and I went for a walk in zhongminbaihui.
商场里人来人往,很是热闹。柜台里商品琳琅满目,让我眼花缭乱。 我们乘着电梯来到二楼。这里卖各种各样的鞋。我们走到童鞋的鞋柜,我一眼就看到一双美丽的红布鞋,它静静地躺在鞋架上,好像在等待我的来临。它是粉红色的,上面绣着“32”,穿着两条闪闪发光的鞋带,旁边还有两条拉链。我一看高兴极了,一下子就爱上它了。我迫不及待地把它拿来穿在脚上,呀,舒服极了。我对妈妈说:“妈妈我很喜欢它,既舒服又漂亮。”妈妈叫我走两圈看看,我说好,走了两圈,感觉真好。我期待地看着妈妈。妈妈点点头,说:“真的很好看,还很帅气呢。”妈妈同意了,我很开心,妈妈把它买下了。 我们心满意足地回家了。
The shopping mall is full of people. I was dazzled by the variety of goods in the counter. We took the elevator to the second floor. All kinds of shoes are sold here. When we went to the shoe cabinet of children's shoes, I saw a pair of beautiful red cloth shoes at a glance. It lay quietly on the shoe rack, as if waiting for my coming. It's pink, embroidered with "32" on it, and it's wearing two sparkling shoelaces, with two zippers next to it. I was so happy at the sight that I fell in love with it. I can't wait to put it on my feet. It's so comfortable. I said to my mother, "Mom, I like it very much. It's comfortable and beautiful." My mother told me to walk for two laps. I said that it was nice to walk for two laps. I look at my mother expectantly. Mom nodded and said, "it's really beautiful, and it's also very handsome." Mom agreed. I'm very happy. Mom bought it. We went home satisfied.