今天国庆节祖国各地盛庆佳节,街上热闹非凡,我和妈妈到新华书店买了一本古集,我看到悯农这首时感触很深。现在百忙之中我先朗诵一遍,悯农 锄禾日当午 汗滴禾下土 谁知盘中餐 粒粒皆辛苦 这首教导我们要懂得珍惜粮食。粮食是农民伯伯辛苦种出来的,要珍惜农民伯伯的辛勤工作的劳动成果。
Today's National Day is celebrated all over the country. The streets are bustling. My mother and I went to Xinhua Bookstore to buy an ancient collection. When I saw the song of minnong, I felt deeply. I'll recite this song first in my busy schedule. It teaches us to cherish food. Grain is hard planted by Uncle farmers. We should cherish the fruits of their hard work.