我家养着三条可爱的小金鱼,那是爷爷在去年夏天,从花鸟鱼市场买来的。 爷爷是小金鱼的营养师。他从市场买来了鱼食,每天都会按时给小金鱼投食,让小金鱼吃得饱饱的。 爷爷是小金鱼的清洁员。
My family keeps three cute little goldfish, which grandpa bought from the flower and bird fish market last summer. Grandpa is a nutritionist of little goldfish. He bought fish food from the market, and he would feed the little goldfish on time every day, so that the little goldfish would have enough to eat. Grandpa is the cleaner of little goldfish.
他总会给小金鱼按时换水,保持鱼缸里的水清洁。爷爷告诉我,在夏天,两三天换一次水;冬天,五六天换一次水。 我们给小金鱼起了好听的名字。看,那条体形较大的红金鱼,因为食量大、吞食快,所以叫它“大嘴”。那条全身红白相间的叫“花背”。
He would always change the water for the little goldfish on time to keep the water in the tank clean. Grandpa told me to change water once in two or three days in summer and once in five or six days in winter. We gave the little goldfish a nice name. Look, that big red goldfish is called "big mouth" because of its large appetite and fast swallowing. The red and white one is called "flower back".
那条游起来慢悠悠,脖子上有白条纹的小金鱼叫“白围脖”。 我爱我家的小金鱼,我更爱我的家。
The little goldfish with white stripes on its neck is called "white neck". I love my little goldfish, I love my family more.