I don't know when or where I learned it. I learned to say "hate". For example: I will say "hate" when mosquito bites me, and I will say "hate" when I do wrong math problems.
今天晚上,季老师在客厅给我检查英语作业,当检查道:He is a old teachersh时,季老师说;“你这题错了,应该是He is an old teachersh.”我仔细一看是错了,就脱口而出“讨厌”,季老师没有生气,只是瞄了我一眼,就是这一眼,让我很难为情。
This evening, Mr. Ji checked my English homework in the living room. When he said, "he is a old teacher, Mr. Ji said," you are wrong, it should be he is an old teacher. "When I saw it carefully, I blurted out" hate ". Mr. Ji was not angry, just glanced at me, which made me embarrassed.
As soon as Miss Ji left, her mother said, "in the future, Miss Ji said that you did something wrong. You can't say that you hate this word.". After listening to my mother, I thought about it and said to her, "I'm wrong. I won't say it again."