人们常说,人生就是一条长路,每经过一个路口都会是经历一次转折。此时此刻,我就站在人生的一个转折处,茫然与彷徨使我的心如蝶翼般颤动。微风摩擦着耳鼓,我听见冥冥中一个声音:“这个转折,你会如何去面对?” 我仿佛面对夜空,那几亿万光年之遥的星云,发出的竟是千百年前的光芒――我仿佛看见被贬的苏轼,看到他面对转折的从容与气魄,“……归去,也无风雨也无晴”的旷达激起了千百万人内心深沉的回响;我也仿佛看见卢比孔河畔的凯撒大帝,看到他面对转折的果敢与坚毅,那一响亮的决定,成就了古罗马的辉煌,也成就了人类历史中值得永远纪念的亮点;
People often say that life is a long road, and every crossing will be a turning point. At this moment, I stand at a turning point in my life, dazed and hesitation make my heart flutter like a butterfly wing. The breeze rubs the eardrum, I hear a voice in the dark: "this turning point, how will you face it?" I seem to face the night sky, the nebula hundreds of millions of light-years away, the light of thousands of years ago -- I seem to see the demoted Su Shi, see his calm and boldness in the face of turning, " In return, there is no wind, no rain, and no clear. "The open mindedness has aroused deep echoes in the hearts of millions of people. I also seem to see Caesar on the Rubicon River, see his bold and resolute in the face of the turning point, and that loud decision has made the brilliance of ancient Rome, and also made the bright spot in the human history that is worth remembering forever;
我还仿佛看见文革时期的沈从文,看到他面对转折的高雅与昂扬,这位文学巨匠的心底荷花地依旧芬芳,人生路也仿佛充满了荷花的高洁芬芳…… 繁星在闪耀,好像是对我说:“你呢,你呢?”在这转折的渡口,前人的帆影已经远去,汹涌的浪潮已沾湿我的衣襟。我知道,面对转折,需要我的乐观、从容和勇敢。
I also seem to see Shen Congwen in the period of Cultural Revolution, the elegance and exaltation in the face of turning point, the lotus land in the heart of this literary giant is still fragrant, and the road of life seems to be full of the noble fragrance of lotus The stars are shining, as if to say to me, "how about you, how about you?" In this turning ferry crossing, the previous sails and shadows have gone away, and the surging tide has moistened my skirt. I know that facing the turning point, I need to be optimistic, calm and brave.
而这一切,无不源自一份对生活的信心。任何一个转折都是一个新的契机,一个新的机遇,一个个转折堆砌出生活的多彩。任何一个转折都是一次对生命的考验,一次与命运的较量;一个个转折也就成就了一次次生命的伟大与辉煌。所以,我要微笑着去面对,平静去迎接,勇敢去较量。相信转折之后会有春光的旖旎,会有燕雀的啁啾,会有一条更为宽阔的阳光大道。 人生的转折也许并不多,但每一个转折的影响都会很大。这些转折也许是因为自身的成长和经验必经的路口,也许是生活中无辜遭遇的突变,但毫无疑问的是,都需要我们去面对。 抓不住的岁月的鸟翼,被火光映在手掌;每一次转折,都形成一道深深的掌纹,比羽毛还要清晰。
And all this, all from a confidence in life. Any turning point is a new opportunity, a new opportunity, a turning point pile up the colorful life. Every turning point is a test of life, a contest with fate; each turning point also makes a great and brilliant life. So, I will smile to face, calm to meet, brave to fight. I believe that after the turning point, there will be the charm of spring, the chirp of sparrows, and a wider Sunshine Avenue. There may not be many turning points in life, but the impact of each turning point will be great. These changes may be due to their own growth and experience must pass through the road, may be the life of the innocent encounter mutation, but there is no doubt that we need to face. The wings of the years that can't be grasped are reflected in the palm of the hand by the fire light; every turn, a deep palm pattern is formed, which is clearer than the feather.
我多希望,在我们走到长路尽头的时候,那每一道掌纹还能让我们感受到不息的生命力;我多希望,在每一个转折的路口,都留下我们顽强的身影和从容不迫的笑容。 记得席慕容的一句话:“每一条走过来的路都有不得不这样跋涉的理由,每一条要走下去的路都有不得不这样选择的方向。”
I hope that when we come to the end of the long road, every palmprint can make us feel the endless vitality; I hope that at every turning point, we will leave our indomitable figure and unhurried smile. Remember Xi Murong's words: "every road has a reason to have to trudge like this, and every road to go has a direction to have to choose like this."
而在这“走过”与“走下去”的转折路口,待我以最充溢的信心和活力,去感受灵魂舞蹈如花之绰约;待我用最坚实的心灵和意念,去创造人生烂漫如霞之辉煌。编辑 伏虎
At the turning point of "going through" and "going down", it is necessary for me to feel the soul dance like a flower with the most abundant confidence and vitality; it is also necessary for me to create a brilliant life with the most solid heart and mind. Editor Fu Hu
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