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发布时间:2020-05-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Turn over the paper and see the composition question "miscellaneous". I don't feel like laughing. It's really in line with my current mood. It's complicated, tense and excited. I'm uneasy but I'm looking forward to it! (laughs) so, I calm down, close my eyes and meditate and say "miscellaneous" from the beginning.


Some laboriously, turn over the heavy pages of history, and from time to time you will see the trace of "miscellaneous". First, in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the first emperor of Qin ended this mixed scene and unified the world; then, the Three Kingdoms separated the world equally and were replaced by the Wei and Jin Dynasties; then, the civil war in the southern and Northern Dynasties ended in the Tang Dynasty; then, the wars of the five and ten dynasties ended in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the history repeated the cycle from chaos to unity again and again, as if this was an eternity An old unchanging theorem. And history, in this constantly rotating wheel, has quietly gone through thousands of years.


"Miscellaneous" has far more influence on us than history. If you have the honor to visit the whole country and see the folk customs and houses, you will know how extraordinary the influence of "miscellaneous" is. As far as the local houses are concerned, Huizhou is the place where the salt merchants live, so the buildings there are "twists and turns like talented people's pens", white walls, dark roof tiles, rows of animal shaped arches, high walls and uneven shapes, all of which reveal the atmosphere of "Jia Er Hao ru". If you go to Fujian, the Hakka buildings in Southern Fujian will give people a rock solid and round trial Aesthetic feeling: if you come to the gardens in the south of the Yangtze River, you can't help chanting the poem "the courtyard is a little deeper", but if you climb the Great Wall, you will feel the atmosphere of boundless and open-minded. Only in one China, the architectural style is so different and colorful. However, this seemingly disordered and irrelevant construction style has formed a unique Chinese brick and wood structure building system, occupying an important place in the world's architectural forest. Therefore, we can see the openness of architectural art, and the inclusion of art can be seen from the perfect integration of "miscellaneous".


I found that the vast world is messy but well-organized. Not only in the field of humanities, but also in the spirit of the city, "miscellaneous" is so clear. From the lovely city I live in, tradition and foreign style, fashion and nostalgia, any culture in the world can find a foothold here. It is precisely because of the magnanimity of embracing all kinds of rivers and compatible packages that Shanghai is miscellaneous, orderly and charming, which makes people intoxicated.


Also want to vast central plains, 56 ethnic groups living together, we have a common name: the Chinese people.


Also want to contend with a hundred schools of thought, three schools of thought, they are also known as Chinese culture.


At the intersection of time and space, all the "miscellaneous" are integrated, regardless of boundaries, into this magical universe.


It really meets such a standard. "The beauty of each, the beauty of the beauty, the beauty and the common, the world is the same." We advocate "miscellaneous", because if there is no "miscellaneous", there will be no "Datong". From miscellaneous to the same, this is my feeling.


(the score of this paper is 69 points)


Brief comment: the advantage of this article is mainly to stand high and see far. In order to discuss the richness and complexity of the great world and the correctness of the ideal of "beauty and common, the world is in harmony", the author talks about the space-time of the universe from Chinese history, from traditional culture to the spirit of the times, and his writing is a little open and harmonious, but his intention is consistent from the beginning to the end, so it also has the benefits of form, mind and concentration.


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