

发布时间:2020-05-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Dad is a very strong man.


My father and I live by each other.


Since I was born, it seems that only this man is around me. As the cocoons on his hands thicken layer by layer, I grew up day by day on the rickety boat.


My father is a kind ferry driver, so people in the village say. I've always felt so proud.


My father and I live on that acre of land because he ferries only to make every neighbor in the village cross the river safely without charging a cent. Although my life is hard, my father makes every effort to make me eat well and wear warm. I think as long as my father is here. I am a happy child.


One day, however, a strange woman suddenly stood outside the cabin, and my father told me to call her "aunt". From then on, the "aunt" lived in our narrow cabin. She laughs at everyone. Every time my father is on the ferry, she always helps my father wipe sweat and hand over water.


But I don't like her. She takes up too much of my father's attention, which makes me feel neglected. So I did everything I could to get rid of the things she gave me. I didn't wear the clothes she made or eat the food she made. But this not only did not get the father's concern greetings, but also my father glared at me, asked me to listen to her words. Looking at "Auntie" full of tears, let me more at a loss and inexplicable anger.


Finally, one day, I pushed "Auntie" into the whirlpool of the water, half intentionally and half accidentally. My father jumped madly into the river and picked up the dying "aunt".


"Am I your daughter?" As my father's slap fell, I screamed out.


"You are not my daughter! She's your mother! " The blue tendons on dad's face burst up and shouted at me.


I turned my head to look at her in bed, stupidly. For a long time, dad said:

“十多年前,我还是一个在外打工的青年人,因为学历不高,所以连肚子都填不饱。于是万念俱灰,喝了几瓶酒便昏沉地往这条河里跳。当时天很黑,我以为没人知道,但是你爸,就是这艘船原来的主人,他用尽力气将我推上岸,自己却被奔腾的河水卷去了!当时她,就是你妈,抱着一个月的你失去了理智,她恨恨地将你扔在船舱里,之后就不知去向。经过河水的冲刷,醒来的我只看见船舱里的你。是我的错,而使你们美好的一家破裂。你的亲生父亲好心救了我,让我知道,人不能为自己而活,能帮助人,甚至失去生命也并不可借!” 爸爸泣不成声。

"Ten years ago, I was a young man working outside. Because of my low education, I couldn't even fill my stomach. So he was so disillusioned that he drank a few bottles of wine and began to jump into the river. It was very dark at that time, I thought no one knew, but your father, who was the original owner of the ship, pushed me ashore with all his strength, but he was swept away by the surging river! At that time, she, your mother, held you for a month and lost her mind. She hated to throw you in the cabin, and then disappeared. After the river wash, wake up I only see you in the cabin. It was my fault that broke up your wonderful family. Your own father saved me with kindness. Let me know that people can't live for themselves, can help others, and even lose their lives! " Dad broke down in tears.


So dad in front of me picked up the oars and crossed the river day by day. I can finally understand why he would jump down the river every time to save the drowning people, even the drowning objects. He is with a grateful heart to face everything around him.


"Your father's spirit has always inspired me. I raised you up; I looked around for your mother. Beg for her forgiveness and wait for her return with my heart and time. I'm really your father! " My father holds my aunt's hand.


"I remember your father's help. He taught me to love and help others!" From then on, my father's words echoed in my ears.


My father is a ferryman.


My dads are great ferries.


上一篇: 语如河

下一篇: 我想握着你的手

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