

发布时间:2020-05-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


May is always wet. The sunshine in early summer is particularly dazzling. The air in Sichuan after the earthquake is so dreary. The dust of the sky swirled in the valley, and the sun shone on the land through the clouds.


At the foot of the mountain, on the National Road, a 13-year-old boy is carrying a 2-year-old girl on his back, walking with firm steps on the road that has become rough because of the earthquake. Dusty clothes and trousers, mud and some worn rubber shoes, revealed to people that they had come on foot from far away disaster areas.


I know that they are the survivors of the H disaster through the reporter's report. Their home is in a relatively remote mountain village. Their parents and relatives died in the disaster and their houses collapsed. The elder brother carried his younger sister on his back and walked three days to the national road.


As the camera goes on, a close-up of the brother and sister is given. My brother's face is gray, but his eyes are strangely firm, like the flashing lights in the night. The younger sister drank water freely on the elder brother's back, and her face was quiet and curious.


"Where are you going to take your sister?" the reporter asked


He replied, "I will take her to a safe place." There is unquestionable firmness in the tone.


Perhaps, my sister once asked my brother, "where are we going?"


In three days, my brother comforted my sister for many times. Aftershocks, landslides, landslides, dust flying all over the sky, from the bottom of the earth from time to time came the strange buzz, I don't know how the elder brother took great pains to pacify the fear in her sister's heart; I don't know what method the elder brother took to suppress the missing of her parents in her sister's heart. After three days of walking on the mountain road, my brother has gone through many hardships to solve the seemingly simple eating and drinking problem at ordinary times!


It is because of the belief in "taking my sister to a safe place" in my brother's heart that he has become so strong; it is because of my brother's strength that my sister has been carefree so far.


Looking at this scene, I think of Zheng Banqiao's "bamboo stone":


Insist that the mountain is not relaxed, and stand in the rock.


Thousands of millstones and thousands of attacks are still strong. You can feel the East, West, North and south wind.


Crystal tears slide across my face, I think he is as resolute as the bamboo that insists on the green mountain.


A pair of ordinary brothers and sisters are destined to have an extraordinary life. Brother is destined to use the immature shoulder to shoulder the responsibility that does not belong to him. The scenes of my brother and sister in the earthquake show in my mind constantly. My brother's strong will encourage people to survive no matter how many difficulties and setbacks they encounter. The prime minister once said that houses can be rebuilt when they fall down and roads can be rebuilt when they are broken, as long as people are there.


There is an old saying that goes well: "when heaven is going to fall, people must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their body and skin, be empty, and do what they do. Therefore, they are moved and have patience, which has benefited them." The earthquake brothers and sisters who have experienced this ordeal will surely become the pillars of the construction of the motherland together with their peers in the future.


Wish brother and sister all the way, wish all the living people all the way.


上一篇: 举手投足之间

下一篇: 感受乡村

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