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发布时间:2020-05-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


"Man is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him, but you can't defeat him." ——The old man and the sea


I have never read the famous novel "the old man and the sea" before, but I have read articles about it in some magazines. From then on, I learned its story outline, mainly about the story of an old man catching a big fish. This summer vacation is also to complete the task assigned by the teacher - reading a masterpiece. So I came from the bookstore. Holding this blue and white book cover novel, I feel that it seems to be more outstanding among the books. My heart suddenly rose a kind of reverence and love, but also a kind of intimate silence and loneliness. I feel that the distance between me and it is suddenly close - the final exam failed, and my summer life is only as deep blue and quiet as this book cover!


This kind of dark blue, for me, for everyone of the same age, should be no stranger. This blue color seems to have tears of difference, thorns and bumps of progress, red lights of cruelty, a heavy heart like a brain, so fragile that it's hard to shoulder the shoulders of the wings of seeking dreams, and the "maturity" or "experience" that flatters the world's smoothness and sophistication as the standard Who can resist the blue abyss of red and wine? This kind of color seems to have become the main color of life, but the old man and the sea is more meaningful. The old man can catch big fish and be swallowed mercilessly by sharks. Are these all buried in the blue? Read Hemingway, read Santiago, eager to find some hints.


In the evening, leaning on the dim light of the lamp, I began to read the old man and the sea with my own loneliness and silence.


In fact, the old man and the sea is not a book with ups and downs, strange and strange plots, and any coincidence. It is a seemingly simple but profound philosophy of life. The story of Santiago, a "lonely old man who lives by fishing alone on a broken fishing boat in the waves". The old man hasn't caught a fish in 48 days, so he decided to go fishing in the far sea. There he caught a marlin bigger than his boat. After three days of fighting, the old man finally killed it. The old man tied it to the side of the boat. But it was fate's trick - a group of sharks left Marlins with only skeletons. The old man looked at the deep blue sea silently, full of sad questions.


Blinking some tired eyes, I feel a deep pain, and I feel gratified. I was so "painful and happy" - I seemed to read the courage of this strong old man - "he decided to go fishing in the distant sea." The blue sea is bluer and deeper with the depth of the eyes. Maybe it's more blue here, I taste it.


Therefore, I pay more attention to the words in my books, deeply appreciate the firmness in them, and seek the little philosophical thoughts of life.


No matter how slow a person is, at least he can understand the importance of self-confidence for life and career. Only with confidence can we succeed! I think about it carefully, and suddenly I feel sad that there are too many people around me who have stumbled over a few stumbling blocks in the process of building their lives with confidence, and they never get up again. Dwelling in this humble corner that seems to belong to the losers, I feel that after silence is death! So, the old man, it seems, has become an example of my life.


"He watched the shark approaching and glanced at the big fish. It was a dream, he thought. I can't stop it from attacking me, but I might be able to kill it. " ——I seem to read the old man's tenacity, firmness and persistence. Yes, in fact, in a time of desperation, extracting green hope from life is the key to a person's success. This is the case with the old man, who is able to bear the sufferings and bear the honor and disgrace. Therefore, he is invincible.


In today's society, everything is chaotic, once a short time, too many setbacks and shackles have prematurely smoothed our personality and vigor, so that we are constrained by the rules in the unique weakness of human nature and settle down to the status quo, or like western donkeys, the donkeys are blindfolded and walk on the ready-made Road, maybe not everyone is willing to live like this. Someone will call for the recovery of courage, such as Santiago. They firmly believe that everything is not only in novels or illusions.


"I don't understand, thought the old man. Every time he felt that he was about to cross. I don't understand. But I have to try. " ——It's still a shocking strength of perseverance - persistence means victory!


The value of perseverance lies in that it creates the miracles of happiness and victory in life. Corks don't move easily. In the same way, perseverance will not easily succumb to difficulties and setbacks. As long as people have perseverance, a good future is not far away, and efforts will not be wasted.


All of a sudden, an idiom jumped into my heart: winding paths lead to seclusion. Yes, there are too many "Songs" on the road of life, but we need to see that the end of "song" is not sadness and desolation, but "Seclusion" - this is our ultimate goal. Don't lose your direction and motivation because of the beauty of wild flowers and the obstruction of thorns. Why don't we be Santiago on the deep blue sea? Fall in the heavy dark blue again and again, climb up again, let's go into Santiago, learn from Santiago


Back to the old man and the sea, it's just a hymn of heroism. The protagonist Santiago is not like Jack Barnes in "the sun also rises" or Frederick Henry in "farewell to arms". At most, they can "bear bravely and gracefully" in the face of misfortune. Although the old man is in a disadvantageous position at the beginning, he is still a spirit of knowing that he can't do it. Isn't it good for us and worth it Do we have to learn? After all, life is full of ups and downs, ups and downs and dangers. We can't completely forget the painful yesterday. We should take it as a platform for a better tomorrow and look forward to the future!


Perhaps it can be said: "the spiritual victory is far greater than the material gain." Santiago is like this. Although the marlin is bitten by sharks, he can say: "man is not born to be defeated. You can kill him, but you can't defeat him." How great, how noble!


This reminds me of our daily study life. It is inevitable that there will be a lot of troubles and troubles, which will dampen our enthusiasm and energy at the beginning, so stick to it - smooth sailing is only a story, and colorful life!


When encountering difficulties and thorns in our life, we may as well say to ourselves, "I have worked hard in everything. Why blame me for success or failure?" A failure is not a failure of a lifetime. Some philosophers say, "as long as the sun rises from the East, never give up hope." It's a proud struggle to make 100% efforts for 1% of hope.


Maybe we should thank Hemingway for bringing us a masterpiece, a profound philosophy of life. We have learned how to take a positive attitude towards life, which is "I want to be Santiago". We will not mention all the misfortunes and successes of this great writer. Santiago alone is enough. Friends, let's hold the old man and the sea and shout: "I want to be Santiago!"




This is a piece of writing that I appreciate very much, not for anything else, only because he is Li Rui's classmate's work. In the past, many of his articles were gloomy, as if there was no fire in the world and no sun in the sky. His heart is close to the door of hell, and he doesn't want to go in, and he doesn't seem to want to stay away. This article gave me an excellent hint: in the clear night sky, he began to appreciate the moon. He could feel that the moon was beautiful, full of brightness and strength. He seems to have seen that when the moonlight passes, it is not the death of hope, but the dawn - the arrival of a brighter sky!


The first thing I have to do after school is clap for Li Rui!


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