

发布时间:2020-05-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编


[playback of original question]


1. Fragment composition. (10 points)


Take "a glance at the station" as the title to describe the scene, no less than 200 words.


2. Read the following text and write as required. (50 points)


"Walking" and "stopping" are common phenomena in life, which have rich connotations and can cause us to feel, associate and think about nature, society, history and life. Please write an article on "walk and stop".


Requirements: ① the content must be within the scope of the topic; ② the topic is self prepared; ③ the idea is self determined; ④ the style is unlimited except poetry; ⑤ no less than 600 words; ⑥ no plagiarism.


[text explanation]


This year's college entrance examination composition in Chongqing follows the trend of one major and one minor in last year's college entrance examination, which shows that the composition proposition is relatively stable, with 60 scores for two compositions, 10 scores for small compositions and 50 scores for large compositions.


Quality education pays more attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability, the development of open and diversified personality, and the provision of a relaxed and innovative environment. The proposition of composition in 2006 Chongqing college entrance examination fully embodies a new educational concept, advocating innovative practice and multi-directional thinking. One big one small this kind of composition test method, may test the examinee more comprehensive composition ability and the composition level.


In recent years, because of the rise of topic composition, students began to practice topic composition from the beginning of enrollment, which even spread to junior high school. Therefore, towards graduation, students can only have one or two styles, which seriously hinders the overall improvement of students' writing ability and level. Using two composition questions, one big and one small, can not only comprehensively investigate the comprehensive ability of students, but also provide free space for students to play. At the same time, it also has a kind of guidance to promote learning through examination, which gives full play to the role of the baton of college entrance examination. That is to say, composition teaching should cultivate students' ability in an all-round way. The Chongqing composition questions enlighten us that it is a development direction of composition teaching to return to the original writing and comprehensively examine the composition ability and level of examinees.


In 2006, the proposition of Chongqing composition is more close to the examinee's life, guide the examinee to think about life, grow healthily, pay more attention to speculation, and pay attention to the examinee's humanistic quality and thinking quality.


Small composition: pay attention to the examination of students' ability to observe life, convey the "big Chinese view" of Chinese teaching, life is Chinese, Chinese is life, pay attention to all knowledge everywhere. The direction of examination is to intercept life scenes, observe and experience carefully, and find something worth thinking from ordinary life. The examination of small compositions follows the traditional way of proposition, mainly examining various expressions. This time, the examination is about description. The examination of this essay tells us that the present college entrance examination is to select talents of the new century and the new era, and require students to pay attention to life, think about life and be interested in life.


Big composition: the proposition of big composition follows the principle of "learn to observe life from multiple perspectives, enrich life experience and emotional experience, and have their own feelings and Thoughts on nature, society and life". The proposition of composition points to the self and life, more and more close to social life, and pays attention to real life. That is to say, we should pay attention to society, life, the fate of all mankind and our spiritual home. The real society and the real world are pluralistic, and the composition proposition is open and pluralistic. The composition pays attention to the examination of students' thinking ability. Look at problems from different perspectives and encourage multi-directional thinking. Students are required to attach importance to guiding life practice with philosophical theory, treat and analyze problems dialectically, and be good at analyzing big reasons from small problems.


Big composition is a relation topic composition, which focuses on the examination of examinee's thinking ability. This year's Chongqing composition question gives us the enlightenment that composition training should return to the foundation and start from improving students' basic composition ability. In teaching, we can't hold on to the topic composition and only practice one or two styles, which is not conducive to the overall improvement of students' composition ability. This year's college entrance examination one big one small two composition questions, is a bright signal. It can be said that this reflects the local color of Chongqing. At the same time, composition training should strengthen the training of Chinese thinking, especially dialectical thinking, and strengthen the training of Chinese literacy and humanistic spirit. Only in this way can we write a composition that will never change.


[Full Score composition]


A glance at the station


When I got off the bus, I saw a group of people with helmets and disorderly clothes swarming over. They followed the passengers closely. They were all enthusiastic. They hung a simple plastic safety helmet on their arms and kept asking, "Miss, where are you going? By car? " Although it's broad daylight, I still think it's very unsafe to ride a motorcycle. Even if I am harassed by them, I dare not look at them. I just walk with my head down for a while. There are only a few people following me. Suddenly, a middle-aged man asked me again, "miss, where are you going?"


I looked up at him. He was of medium height. He was wearing a cheap arhat shirt. His eyes were a little muddy, but he seemed to be still in spirit. This made me suddenly think of Xiangzi. For the sake of life, although the government repeatedly stressed that it was not allowed to use motorcycles to carry passengers. If I caught him, I would be fined It's forbidden for many times. Yes, our society is still rich and poor. These people can't afford to rent taxis, so they have to rely on motorcycles to carry passengers. If they don't come to pick up the car, maybe the children in the family will starve Thinking of this, I nodded with a smile and took his helmet


[comments on famous teachers]


The characters are vividly portrayed, including group characters (Mo's guy) and individual characters (middle-aged man), with a combination of point and face; the appearance, expression and language portrayal are in line with the characters' identity. The psychological depiction of "I" in this paper is particularly vivid, highlighting the image of a kind little girl who is afraid of being cheated. The full text is clear and well-organized, which vividly presents the scene of the station to the readers


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