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发布时间:2020-05-25  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Can you read the greeting pine on the cliff of Huangshan Mountain?


Cloud around it, fog around it, rain pumping it, wind destroying it, frost bullying snow pressure, thunder and lightning, nature can not tolerate its existence, must be removed and then fast. However, it does not bow its head, do not give in, do not fear the wind, the snow, and the axe. In the countless counterattacks and howls, it has developed a strong character and a strong spirit.


Over and over again, it fought and cried in the wind and rain; over and over again, it tore the clouds into pieces; it forced frost and snow to flee obediently with its majesty; it drove thunder and lightning away with its hardness


All the desire, struggle and struggle of life are shown in the symphony of fate.


Reading Huangshan pine, don't you think our Anhui Province is just a giant and tall strong pine?


Anhui, with the Huaihe River, has experienced ups and downs for thousands of years. How many exciting stories have been staged in this vast land!


It used to be one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Laozhuang Daoism, three caohuazhang, Xin'an literature, Tongcheng prose These are all indispensable parts of Chinese culture.


One sentence "misfortune, where the blessing depends; blessing, where the misfortune lies" tells us how many vicissitudes of life have taken place; one sentence "weeding day at noon, sweat dripping under the grain" tells us the hard work and hardship of Anhui people.


"We never tire of seeing each other, but only Jingting mountain", "Tianmen interrupts the opening of the Chu River, and the clear water flows eastward to this place", "the return of the five mountains does not look at the mountains, and the return of the Yellow Mountains does not look at the mountains" These, not true proof of the literati on the beautiful scenery of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River yearning for it?


Everyone knows that Dayu "passed through the house three times but didn't enter", but some people know that it's our Anhui Qianshan girl who stands up against the door and looks up and looks at her head! The poet is full of infinite yearning for "Qiao Gong and her two daughters show the bell, autumn water and hibiscus". But the love of Jiao Liu, who "raises his hand and works hard for a long time, and relies on both feelings together", also moves people across time and space?


Four treasures of study, Huizhou architecture, Wuhu iron painting, Huangmei Opera, Fengyang Flower Drum All these are the crystallization of wisdom of Jianghuai people!


The heroic uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, who overthrew the brutal rule of the Qin Dynasty thousands of years ago, and the heroic deeds of countless brave men who fought hard in the Anti Japanese War and the liberation war thousands of years later, have all proved the unyielding character of the people of Jianghuai who are not afraid of oppression and resist bullying.


Huangshan pine, I can read you! Huangshan pine, you are the soul of Hui!


[comments on famous teachers]


The author takes "Huangshan pine" as a symbol, and through the description of Huangshan pine, expresses the eulogy and praise of Anhui culture and the spirit of Anhui people. Starting from Huangshan pine, it has a small cut in, but it can see the big from the small, and alternates the real and the virtual, so as to build the similarities between Huangshan pine and "Hui soul". Another major feature of the poem is its elegant style. The use of whole and scattered sentences in a staggered way, the rhetoric of "quotation + parallelism", which is lyrical and full of momentum, expands the connotation of the article, and strengthens the praise of Huangshan pine and Huihun.


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