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发布时间:2020-05-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编


It is the murmur of the spring to the trickle,


It is the gentle caress of the spring breeze to the seedlings,


It's the clam's care for the Pearl,


It is the care of school, family and society that makes children grow up.


Behind those bright smiles are the hard work of parents, and behind those vigorous bodies are the special care of the school. But they are members of the society after all. They never know what the wind and rain are like. How will they face the future?


The youth shouldering the future of the motherland need setbacks, but also needs setbacks education! Need suffering, need suffering experience! This is a compulsory course for all children to grow up.


Yang Lan said, "you can't be talented, but you can't not grow!" And suffering, frustration is the cornerstone of your growth. Suffering is a brick that has been brought here. Although it is not simple, it has raised the height of tomorrow. Suffering is a millstone. Although it has hurt you deeply, it has forged you into a sharp sword So those who love us, please don't remove the obstacles on the road ahead for us. Some roads must be experienced by ourselves in order to have a taste.


The real love is to give comfort and guidance when we experience suffering and setbacks.


When CCTV organized a large-scale program "re walking the long march road", the host Cui Yongyuan gave me a deep shock. He said: now, our nation is not lack of small white faces, but lack of real men. I suggest that we take the long march road again as a rite of passage for teenagers! Yes, today we no longer witness gunfire and smoke. We can read peacefully and quietly. Why are we so fragile? We can use the time of the martyrs starving, climbing snow mountains, and passing the grassland to grow happily. Although we can't experience it personally, we can't forget the red brand, as well as the hardships and pain that we had.


Suffering breeds vitality, suffering breeds hope, we need suffering!


When the young eagle just opened his eyes, he would be driven out by the eagle and forced to bear the wind and rain, but because of this, he had a vigorous posture in the blue sky.


When the tadpole just woke up, he had to look for his mother everywhere. He was forced to face the threat of the enemy and endure the loneliness of being unaccompanied. But because of this, he had the lovely friends of the farmers in the green water.


Don't Eagles love Eagles?


Don't frogs hurt tadpoles?


Just they know that to love children is to let them go through setbacks and grow up!


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