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发布时间:2020-05-24  编辑:查字典英语网小编


There is a saying in China: "only when you eat bitterness can you become a man." It is true that behind every successful person, there is always a process of strong self-reliance and hard struggle. Today's youth should be the same, so we appeal to let go of your warm hands and let ourselves fly bravely.


From birth to adulthood, that step leaves the help and support of parents, teachers and society. Every step we took witnessed the process of their support. We should thank them for creating a superior environment for us to learn and help us grow. But, dear people, we are birds. One day, we will fly out of the nest and embrace the blue sky. So now, we must accept the hardships and prepare for our flight to the blue sky.


When we wrestle, dear people, don't be nervous, don't worry. If we don't wrestle, we can't learn how to walk. Let's get up. The more we fall, the more experience we will have in walking in the future. We can lay a good foundation for learning how to walk. When we really learn how to walk, we won't make mistakes frequently, because we walk out by ourselves. If we walk more, there will be Skills. Road, is their own, no one else can replace, so you have to let go, don't worry, let us fly, to fly bravely.


When we encounter setbacks, dear people, don't be nervous, don't worry. People often say that failure is the mother of success, isn't it? On the road of life, there are inevitably setbacks and failures. It is these failures and setbacks that build up tomorrow's brilliance. We are your children, students and members. Our happiness, anger, sorrow and joy lead you. However, dear people, don't regard our affairs as big. When we are in trouble, don't worry, let go, let us fly, and fly bravely. Let's solve it by ourselves, because in the future, we must go, you can't accompany us forever.


We children should also understand that let parents let go, let teachers let go, and let ourselves brave to fly. Parents want their children to be Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan. They put all their energy on us. When we encounter difficulties and setbacks, they want them to bear the pain. We need to understand their heart and their love for their children. So, we need to solve our own problems. Don't let parents and teachers worry. Let them know that letting go is another way for love to fly and pass on love. We need to dare to challenge ourselves, dare to fight, and let our dreams fly between the blue sky and the white clouds.


Dear ones, let go of your loving hands and let us fly bravely.


Let go, fly!


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