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发布时间:2020-05-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编


After drinking the last mouthful of milk, I silently put the 145 cent paper in front of my father. He raised his eyes and snorted. After signing the name, he went on reading the newspaper. I moved my lips and wanted to say something, but I finally gave up. Anyway, I was used to it. When I packed my things, I took the door with me. The door closed softly, as if with a sigh. I don't look back, stride to school


In fact, I also want him to smile at me and say "good test"


My father and I seem to be natural enemies. From small to large, our fighting never stops. Mischievous is a boy's nature. Whenever I do something wrong, he always says nothing and shakes his belt to kill me. Probably because of his stubbornness, I didn't cry. I fought with my mother's cry with a clear sound of slapping. Finally, I came out with a bang.


My mother often tells me that he loves me, but I don't know how to express it. I will try to communicate with him. Communicate? I sneer, how to communicate with his kind of machine? He even smiled at the street sweeper who didn't know each other by the side of the road, but grudgingly refused to show me anything. The only language he used to express "love" was the endless belt. And I repay his love by slamming the door several times more than talking


Thinking about it, I came to school. "Hey!" My friend mysteriously came up and said, "do you know what day it is? Father's Day! " Suddenly, the cold old face came to mind again. I said disgustedly, "what's the matter with me?" "Don't you say anything to your father? I can't wait last night. I sent it. When I said to my father, "I love you", he cried! " My friend said excitedly, and then he dragged me to the boutique


With a bottle of Erguotou and a box of beautifully packed leather belts, I came home uneasily. It's ironic that he's going to smoke me again, isn't it?


"Dad, today is father's day. This is a gift for you." I said quietly. He was stunned and slowly opened the present. Unexpectedly, he didn't get angry, just sighed heavily: "today your mother is not here, have a drink with me." It's good to be brave.


There was a terrible silence, only the clash of glasses. Both of them were slightly drunk. I looked at my father and said quietly, "Dad, I I... I love you... " I don't know if he hears it. "I don't mean anything, but your belt is about to break..." Before I finished, my father's throat came up with a sentence: "today's exam was good..." My eyes are hot at once. He picked up the glass and threw it on his head. His eyes were sparkling and red. He hurriedly disguised: "this wine This wine is too strong... " I smiled and choked: "it's a little bit stronger..." After that, he drank up his glass, and tears flowed into his mouth Tears of love are sweet


A "I love you", dissolve countless feelings


Composition score: 60 points


下一篇: “微尘”之光

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