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发布时间:2020-05-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Grandmother likes to eat apples, especially those cut by her mother.


My mother has a beautiful cutting posture. She calmly picked up the fruit knife and whirled it around the apple. The peel was like a swallow gently clicking across the water, sometimes down, sometimes up, flying freely around the apple. A moment later, the round apple appeared in front of us, perfect as a work of art. After cutting, mom would always take the plate, cut the apple piece by piece, and pass it to grandma. At that moment, mom's smiling eyes were so beautiful. My grandmother always gave me a few pieces, and I always cried for them when I finished. Looking at my mother's angry but smiling look, I am happy. However, I always thought, if only I could eat a complete apple!


As the years passed, my grandmother grew older, but she still held me as before to watch my mother cut the apple. My mother still used her dexterous hands to make a piece of refreshing & quot; Art & quot;. The difference is that each of us has a big apple that she cut by herself. Tasting the sweet apple, I often think, if I can peel an apple for my grandmother or mother like this, how happy it would be!


In the late autumn of that year, grandma was ill and comatose for several days. I still remember her kind face and her sick body. That day, grandma opened her eyes miraculously and said something laboriously. I quickly put my ear to my grandmother's lips, and then I heard what she said Fruit " My father is at work and my mother is on the street. Who will cut the apple for my grandmother? It seems that I can only do it by myself. I took out a big red apple at the fastest speed and operated it in imitation of my mother's action. But the knife seemed to be deliberately against me. The more I wanted to cut it, the more disobeyed the knife. The deeper I cut, the shallower I cut, and the pulp of the peel fell all over the ground. When I trembled and handed the ugly half of it to grandma, I could see a happy smile on her face.


Now that grandma is well, our habit of eating apples after supper has not changed. But the fruit knife is in my hand. When I look at my grandmother and my mother's happy smile, I feel as if I have become a little angel to convey love, happy with my family and myself.


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