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发布时间:2020-05-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Nostalgia for life in Hutong turns into "nostalgia is not over"


The more precious it is, the more often I miss it, just as I used to live in the alley.


In the past, my family lived in a small alley, where there were many families, and each family was very close to each other. At that time, I even hated the crowded and noisy life, but now it is my most painful and often missed.


In the morning, when I was still dating with Zhou Gong's daughter, I would be awakened by the early risers in the back row! Big brother, go out so early! " "Well, yes, you get up early. What's this for?" "There's nothing wrong with me. Get out!" In this way, you can hear it dozens of times in the morning.


At noon, I want to take a nap to make up for the loss in the morning. But just lying down, the people in the back row have a tea party again. They have a lot of fun talking. As small as Zhang sanlisi and as big as the president of the state, there is nothing they can't talk about.


In the evening, even if you have fallen asleep, you can suddenly wake up with a loud voice. Maybe it's just because you forgot to collect the clothes of someone you don't know. The kind-hearted people are not bothered.


Half a year ago, we moved to a completely strange environment. No one knew us. Without those annoying noises, we would not have to say hello. After two weeks, we felt very beautiful.


However, my heart suddenly felt empty, suddenly recalled some things before, to be honest, once some voices were missing, they were even more precious.


For example, if someone is running out of money, they will knock on the window more than once to remind you that they are running out of money and urge you to buy electricity quickly. This kind of sound is so precious to me who suddenly has no time to save documents due to power failure.


Every time the family makes something delicious, it will smell all over the yard. Of course, it's inevitable that there is a chopstick in the East and a chopstick in the West. What's more, the family will generously teach you how to make the chopsticks. Until they are sure that you can also have this unique cooking technology, how much this kind of garrulous is for my greedy family Precious.


That day, walking on the road, suddenly, I met a former neighbor and exchanged greetings, which made me miss that place and the life there even more.


In fact, missing is also a kind of yearning. Really, no matter where we go, we should create this harmonious love life!


上一篇: 墙的故事

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