

发布时间:2020-05-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Scorching sun, even the air seems to be thick, cicadas are only left with lazy ending. Sitting on the tricycle, I let the weather control my mood, and I was upset.


Bored, I carefully looked at the three wheeler driver in front of me. This was a middle-aged man. His long sleeve uniform was green to black, his thick pants were rolled up high, and he dragged an old pair of slippers on his feet. Every time he stepped on them, he made a "creak" sound. His heel was white, but there was still dirt in the crease. A crack like a grand canyon had been winding to the deep, and the blood was faint See, the dark old handle witnessed the old age of the car, but there was a shabby basket with several empty bottles in it where the license plate should have been hung. Listening to the rickshaw puller singing an unknown ditty - an incomprehensible dialect, he was in a good mood.


Did you make enough money today to make you so happy?


"Thank you!" "You're welcome!" I hand over the money. Watching him open his wallet, scattered coins lay there quietly, nothing else.


From the moment he opened his wallet, I was surprised. His happiness is very simple, because he is happy and happy.


Isn't happiness a complex formation? Isn't there a rainbow after the rain? From that moment on, I found that happiness is very simple. Because the ending is already doomed, why not face it happily? Crying doesn't help, we just smile to welcome. The reason of happiness is just because of happiness, what's the title of the golden list, what's the "wedding candles", which is just a complex statement of happiness, just a limited pattern of happiness. Once people are in the pattern, they become "prisoners". So where is happiness coming from?


From that moment on, simplicity is happiness.


Heaven and earth have great beauty in simple places; life has great fatigue in complex places. People are happy as soon as they are simple, but few are happy; people are painful as soon as they are complex, but painful people are bustling. Let go of your material attachment and believe that simplicity is happiness.


From that moment on, I understand, because happy, so happy, so from this moment on, please believe, happy because simple and happy!


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