

发布时间:2020-05-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

我自幼失去了妈妈。不久,爸爸便带来了一个女人,爸爸指着那女人说:“曦儿,快喊妈妈。”我等了那个女人一眼,就走了。那女人叫陈伟,是财政局的工作人 员。从那天开始,我常常顶撞她。有一天,我与别的同学吵了一架,一吃完午饭,就去约了几个同学,准备教训一下那个同学。不巧,一下子碰见了我妈妈,不,应 该说是后妈。她对我说:“曦儿,到哪里去?”我没好气地说:“用不着你管!”她拦住我说:“我不管,谁管你!你是我的孩子!”“我不是你生的!”话刚说 完,我就跑了,最后走的同学告诉我,后妈哭了。我说:“活该!”

I lost my mother when I was young. Before long, my father brought a woman. My father pointed to the woman and said, "Xi'er, please call mom." I waited for the woman and left. The woman's name is Chen Wei. She works for the Finance Bureau. From that day on, I often contradicted her. One day, I had a quarrel with other students. As soon as I finished lunch, I went to make an appointment with several students to teach them a lesson. Unfortunately, I ran into my mother all of a sudden. No, it should be called stepmother. She said to me, "Xi'er, where can I go?" "You don't have to worry about it!" I said She stopped me and said, "I don't care who cares! You are my child! " "I was not born to you!" As soon as I finished speaking, I ran away. The last classmate told me that my stepmother cried. I said, "I deserve it!"

有一天,我晚上回家,推了推门,是关着的。我的性格有点儿像男孩,就从窗户钻了进去,睡觉了。早上,后妈一起床,就来到我床前,我正呼呼地睡觉,其实我早 就醒了。我故意把被子一蹬,她马上就给我盖上了被子。我想,这还不是为了骗人,全是假的,想到这儿,我又用力把被子一蹬,被子被我蹬了一大半。这时,后妈 好像察觉到我是装的,就大声吼道:“你别以为我不敢打人!”我一个鲤鱼打挺坐了起来,叫道:“我也不是好欺负的!”就去上学了。我回来后,发现她孩子掉眼 泪呢!但我却没放在心上,因为我觉得她这是活该。

One day, I went home at night, pushed the door, it was closed. My character is a bit like a boy, so I went through the window and went to sleep. In the morning, my stepmother came to bed with me. I was sleeping, but I woke up long ago. As soon as I pushed the quilt on purpose, she covered it for me. I don't think it's for cheating. It's all fake. Thinking of it, I pushed the quilt hard again, and I kicked most of the quilt. At this time, my stepmother seemed to realize that I was pretending, so she shouted, "don't think I dare not hit people!" One of my carp sat up and shouted, "I'm not a bully either!" So I went to school. When I came back, I found her child was in tears! But I didn't care because I thought she deserved it.


Life is too fast, a blink of an eye passed a few months, I still have such a bad impression of her. But there was one thing that I changed my mind about her.

有一回,我很晚还没有回家,因为我的思考题没完成。后妈来接我了,她见我的作业没完成,就一道题一道题地讲,直到我的思考题没有完成。后妈来接我了,她见 我的作业没完成,就一道题一道题地讲,直到我懂了为止。突然,她浑身发软,头上冒着冷汗,我看见了,就喊老师,老师忙把后妈扶到座位上,我就去打电话,一 会儿救护车来了。当担架把我后妈抬上车时,她还在说:“童曦是我的孩子,我要接她回去!”这时,我想喊一声“妈妈”,可是,我的嘴好像被什么塞住了,怎么 也说不出来。当抬担架的人正要把门关上时,我扑了过去,大喊:“妈妈,我跟您回家,我再也不跟您赌气了!”这时,从妈妈的眼里,流出了两行热泪。

Once, I didn't go home late because I didn't finish my thinking. My stepmother came to pick me up. When she saw that my homework was not finished, she talked about it one by one until my thinking was not finished. My stepmother came to pick me up. When she saw that my homework was not finished, she said it one by one until I understood it. All of a sudden, she felt soft and sweaty. When I saw her, I called the teacher. The teacher helped her stepmother to the seat. I went to make a phone call, and then the ambulance came. When the stretcher lifted my stepmother into the car, she still said: "Tong Xi is my child, I want to take her back!" At this time, I want to shout "Mom", but my mouth seems to be blocked by something, how can not say. When the man carrying the stretcher was about to close the door, I rushed over and shouted, "Mom, I'll go home with you. I'll never gamble with you again!" At this time, from the mother's eyes, out of two lines of tears.




1. The characters are vivid, depicting a stubborn and stubborn child and a generous and selfless mother vividly. The language of the characters is very representative, authentic, vivid and accurate to reflect the emotions and psychology of the characters at that time, which plays an important role in the performance of the characters' character.


2. The first half of the paper is the foreshadowing of the following attitude change. The development of emotion is natural and true, reasonable and centered.


The language is simple and natural, clear and fluent.


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