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发布时间:2020-05-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


My childhood is colorful, flowing with innocence and sweetness in my childhood, always making people have unforgettable memories.

记得在我5岁的时候,一个春光明媚的星期天,我正在房间里自由自在地玩耍着......忽然,从大厅传来一阵“嗡嗡嗡”的响声,我闻声赶过来,只见爸爸坐 在沙发上,架起二郎腿,手里拿着一件奇形怪状的东西在剃胡子,我睁大眼睛,迷惑不解地问爸爸:“爸爸,这是啥东西?”“噢,你问这个是吧?这是专门帮爸爸 剃胡子的小助手!”话音刚落,爸爸又眉开眼笑地剃着胡子,那样子真让人羡慕。我呆呆地站在那儿,若有所思.......

I remember when I was 5 years old, on a sunny spring Sunday, I was playing freely in my room... Suddenly, there was a "buzzing" noise from the hall, I heard it and rushed to my father's seat On the sofa, I set up my legs, and I was shaving with a strange thing in my hand. I opened my eyes wide and asked my father in bewilderment, "Dad, what is this?" "Oh, you ask that, don't you? This is a little assistant who helps dad shave! " As soon as the voice came down, Dad shaved his beard with a smile on his face, which was really enviable. I stood there in a daze, thinking

第二天早晨,我起床后,无意中发现我家的小白狗的嘴边长着几根长长的胡子,顿时我眼睛一亮:嗨,用爸爸的“超级武器”帮小狗整理一下“发型”。我为自己的 小聪明而手舞足蹈。说干就干,我环顾“四周”,觉得非常安全,我便采取了行动,我蹑手蹑脚来到爸爸房间。哈,不费吹灰之力就找到了那个怪东西,我又蹦又跳 的,甭提有多高兴了!来到院子,我抓起小白狗,不管三七二十一,三下两下就把小白狗的胡子剃得一干二净了。我看着自己的“杰作”非常开心,心想:爸妈回来 后,肯定会好好夸奖我一番的......更多:关于童年趣事的作文

The next morning, when I got up, I found that my little white dog had several long moustaches on his mouth. My eyes lit up: Hey, use dad's "super weapon" to help the dog tidy up his "hair style". I'm dancing for my cleverness. Say do it, I look around and think it's very safe, so I take action, I tiptoe to Dad's room. Ha, I found that strange thing without any effort. I jumped and jumped again and again. How happy I am! When I came to the yard, I picked up the little white dog. No matter what, I shaved his beard completely. Looking at my "masterpiece", I was very happy, thinking: when my parents come back, I will definitely praise me... More: composition about interesting stories of childhood


When night fell, my mother finally got off work. I told my mother what happened today with a smile on my face. After listening to it, my mother was bewildered by my innocent actions. I was really the second in law monk - I couldn't understand. My mother said to me earnestly, "a dog's beard is of great help to him. You can't cut it casually.". When you grow up, you'll find out by yourself. "


With the passage of time, this has been a note in my heart that I have been savoring. Whenever I think about it, I always laugh. This is also my heart full of joy "diary".




1. The little author tells us about a ridiculous thing he did in his childhood. Driven by curiosity, he used a "razor" to get a new hair style for the dog. It was a good idea, but how could he know that he did something wrong against the law. The plot is concrete and vivid with complete structure.


2. The article describes the characters' expression and action vividly, and the dialogue conforms to the characters' identity. The psychological activities of "I" 0 are also true and accurate, which vividly displays a naive and lovely child in front of us.


3. The language is natural and fluent, clear and full of life atmosphere.


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