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发布时间:2020-05-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


With the rapid development of society, people pay more and more attention to knowledge and culture. Scientific and technological innovation needs knowledge, and social development needs knowledge. Knowledge is important, so education issues are important. Some education issues have become the focus of attention of all sectors of society.


Is it good for students to double their punishment if they fail to finish their homework? This is one of them.


Many people think it's good for students to double the punishment if they don't finish their homework, especially for most parents and teachers. "Teacher, I am strict with my children. If I don't obey in school, I will be severely criticized." In this way, many parents have told their teachers. "Classmate, I haven't finished my homework in two classes. Come, come to my office. " In this way, many teachers have told their students.


In real life, teachers' education methods are sometimes based on punishment. Or homework punishment, or other punishment methods. Perhaps the teacher holds a kind of mentality of "strict teacher makes excellent apprentice" to himself, and holds the expectation of "eating a cut, growing a wisdom" to students, which is "punishing the police".


From different perspectives, then, there will be different thinking results. As a student, it's also a party. I don't think it's good to double the punishment if you don't finish your homework.


Because now most of the students are more sensible, have a sense of responsibility, especially a strong sense of self-esteem. If a teacher punishes a student for not completing his homework, the student will think that his self-esteem will be hurt, which will lead to a kind of rebellious psychology, and may even hate the teacher and lose interest in learning. If so, it will produce a counterproductive effect. The teacher wanted the students to finish their homework, but he made them hate it.


There will be a lack of communication between teachers and students. On the contrary, if the teacher is emotional and persuasive, maybe he will get twice the result with half the effort.


Students understand that it's good for us that teachers punish us for not completing our homework, but in our young age, we always have some unbalanced ideas, which make us unable to control ourselves, and it's difficult to mature together with punishment. So, I don't think it's good to double the punishment if you don't finish your homework.


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