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发布时间:2020-05-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编


In 2014, I was selected as the 10th generation astronaut of the United Nations Space Agency. On this day, I took the Shenzhou 500 to the moon after a long flight.


It's really a celebration. I saw beautiful scenery on the moon. At 28000 kilometers, the moon and the earth are gravitationally balanced at this point. Some lunar soil and rock samples were also collected on the surface of the moon. On this beautiful moon, I feel a little reluctant. However, with full joy, I finally stepped on the surface of the moon. This place is really beautiful. There are many bumps and bumps on the surface. I think it was formed by the impact of meteorites. The little things gathered together, like stars in the sky, are countless. As I was walking, I saw several people working on a hill. I walk slowly, ah! Isn't that "UFO"? How can there be flying saucers here? There are a few long things that never make people feel hungry waving their claws. I don't understand and walk a few steps. My feet don't listen to them and go straight to them. When my mouth shape hasn't expanded to 30 degrees, they have reached 60 degrees. So I have to shrink my mouth shape to 0 degrees. It's strange that I put a pose of 30 degrees or so for a minute. Beyond the imagination of the voice and my heart mixed together.


Although this is the case, the instinct of human beings on earth always produces conditioned reflex when they hear something. Its sensitivity can be compared with the speed of light, and maybe it also raises the speed of light. Therefore, I am in " There will be a meteorite landing soon... " Through time and space, it seems, ha ha. Sure enough, 0. One second later, a flash of light broke through the sky. Standing at the highest point of safety, I used the latest scientific research achievements of Chinese efforts -- 18 dragon subduing palms -- earth people to change the direction of the meteorite's whereabouts, but it failed. The meteorite stubbornly walked its own way, ignoring my fatigue and despair. In a flash, the meteorite suddenly disappeared. So I left a post on the moon. If the first shape is dumb, then the second one should be to add a little bit to the original shape: stare. "It's OK. It didn't scare you," said Shuai. "Just when I saw that the meteorite was about to hit you, I used a high-temperature laser gun to melt it." At this time, I feel that my mouth and my eyes are expanding at the same speed, and my heart is also warming at the same speed, so I realize that there are misunderstandings in the dictionary. Ancestry, ancestry, you know that your judgment ability is short circuited. Why do you want to pass it on to your offspring? Why do you make one mistake again and again or even one mistake to the end when you want to know it in the education generation? So I have to wonder for the whole life. Fortunately, you left five words in the dictionary: right, thank you, start, thank you, No. For a moment, instinctively arranged the five words and chose the best match: Thank you, sorry. At this time (the math teacher in high school must be happy.)


When people on earth are moved, they always think of a way to cover up: escape. So I bid farewell to the "decaying objects" and moved the whole Pacific Ocean, and opened up another stream path to continue the journey to the moon.


After a while, I was tired. Looking around, there were no people. In boredom, I took out a story book. I couldn't help laughing at Chang'e running to the moon, Wu Gang cutting the laurel, and Guanghan palace. I couldn't help laughing. It was hard to clean up. I was confused: ancestors, ancestors, you really I'm sorry. I didn't mean to But thank you.


The earth people are good at forgetting, so they are very rational. They are moved to forget for a while. They still have reason. They should go to the bad things to see what other high-tech products are. They are the spies of the earth people. For this, glory. You'll do the same, I think.


It turns out that their lunar base was built in the big crater on the back of the moon. The outside looks like round copper, surrounded by rocks, but the inside is very advanced. I turned on the transliteration machine and talked to the alien again - I think I should change my address and make a call.


In a flash, a few hours later, I have basically understood the history of this kind of creatures, and I really admire my receptivity.


It turns out that they are not extrasolar stellar systems, not to mention Milky way. They are from a dark blue system 16.9 billion light-years from the Milky way. No wonder, how I see their leather bags so unique. In this way, I was lucky enough to compete with the astronauts of the extragalactic system. That's great, isn't it?


In a flash, half a day has passed. It's time for me to report to NASA. However, at the invitation of superstars, they finally visited their time and space headquarters. (in fact, it's also my dream)


Unfortunately, it's all a trap. We shouldn't believe in aliens. Unfortunately, we have to blame our ancestors for this mistake, though it's not right. They used the "SJ" light to numb me and hold me still.


"Ha, ha, I didn't expect that." One of the superstars took off his mask and made a fool of his eyes. The so-called alien was the blood star man. I think of Dr. Lin's saying that the blood star clan is a fighting nation in the BIHONG clan near the dark green clan. They paid high prices for the aliens who occupied the life space as capital to other high culture stars


Want to fight, can be on the body of the laser sword by blood star person search away. The communication machine was also robbed by these bloody creatures.


Suddenly there was darkness in front of me. What's the matter? The sixth sense tells me that I was stunned by the "SJ" light again.


When I woke up, I was already in the escort room at the bottom of the base.


"I know why we caught you here, your Highness the star rain." The bloodstar, code named Beth, asked me.


A kind of surprise: Your Highness! Who is your highness Xingyu?! You've got the wrong man. Please let me go. Otherwise, Galaxy will send a commando. It's not you who let me go then, okay?


Ha, ha, you think you're from the galaxy. No wonder, for someone who has lost his memory.


I don't understand what you're talking about, please——


The mouth won't move for a moment.


I don't know. Anyway, I will give you to the father of blood star, and the task will be completed.


Somehow, I fell to the ground again. The whole body is weak, the blood star man escorts me to the top tail.


I can't just let it go, but the communication machine is gone, and I can't call for help from Mars branch. But I can't just die in this way. I'm still young, and I haven't tried many things.


When I walk through the time and space headquarters, I predict the time from the door, the distance is getting closer and closer, and my heart is beating faster and faster. When I open the door, I use every hair strength to push away the enemy and run out.


But I don't know it's a window of time and space, so I——


I entered the heterometric space, surrounded by pictures of the formation of the universe and the "progression" of some galaxies. (that is, a galaxy develops from a primitive state to a high-level Galaxy) no wonder Jay Chou wants to come here. Besides, I also know why they want to catch me.


That's when the cosmic star magnetism just produced the dark blue galaxy. There were few living stars in the whole galaxy. The most advanced one was the lockers. The Liujian system was their home. At that time, the Liujian system was similar to the solar system of the Milky way. But Locke's living space occupied the whole department.


Locke is also a sword based fighting nation, the highest level can be transformed into a "super Locke.".


At that time, for "cosmic prodigal" star foot, has developed to "super Rockman, level 9. It is the strongest of the whole Locke nation.


When the tenth level was about to be completed, the Royal Princess Liuji appeared, which made him give up at this critical moment. Finally, starfoot. Choose love.


The prodigal son married the princess and gave birth to a baby boy, the crystallization of love, one year later. But the adoptive father of cosmic prodigal son, the king of dark blue, finally knew this, forced Princess Liu Ji to death, and drove her out of the dark blue galaxy.


Princess Liu Ji's father raised the baby boy, named Xingyu. Afraid of being discovered by the king of dark blue, he sent him to a planet in the galaxy because the people of that star have feelings. The King spent all his energy to turn the boy into a baby boy again, erased his memory and attached the meteor sword to him.


On earth, the orphan was adopted by a childless couple and later became a "Galactic astronaut".


He is me.


In the moment of recollection and recollection, I felt that my whole body was full of infinite strength.


Time and space, never tired in the non-stop operation. My body is bursting with endless power. Yes, I understand that I am a warrior, and the sword is my life. In this way, a sword appeared in front of me. In my memory, I know that it is Liujian.


Come on, take this sword and defend your home. Your responsibility is also to guard the galaxy. You must not be controlled by the blood star man. Remember, you have your father's stunts and your mother's energy. Get rid of the super Rockman and you will become a star warrior. " The sound came from the sword.


I hold this meteor sword, a huge power strikes me, and the battle windbreaker flies with the wind.


Through the orbit of time and space, I came to my "Hometown" - dark blue. Time and space have passed thousands of samsara. In memory, there are tens of thousands of star systems here. And all have lives. I landed on rock again. With the memories of the past, suddenly, have a different feeling. The eyes told me that it had been attacked. I ran to the palace, but it was a ruin.


Ran several planets, did not give me a new vision, not only did not give me hope, but also let hope become a hope.


Pain, depression, melancholy, hesitation


Travel to the East and walk to the west, floating like a dream


Suddenly, a beautiful yellow wreath came from behind me. I dodged. It flew over again, and I grabbed it. But the finger was cut. Suddenly, a blue stream of liquid overflowed from the wound.


Are you a dark blue man? A girl's voice came from behind me.


Finally found a person, "yes" I turned around, how familiar faces, but do not remember.


"You attacked me." Still angry.


"I thought it was a blood star. I'm sorry." With that, the girl began to cry.


Seeing him cry, I don't have much to say. Misunderstanding itself doesn't need forgiveness. But hear blood star popularity again.


It's time to find the blood star man for revenge. I turned around and wanted to leave, but the girl pulled me. "Where are you going?"




I will go too.


No way.




Considering the girl's safety, I have to agree.


We've been wandering the universe for 600 million years. Disappointed is to continue to swim, because still can't find the half shadow of blood star man.


Six billion years, what a long day it was. Our relationship is like the face of the moon, quietly changing, from strangers to friends, from friends to lovers, from lovers to couples. Yes, I fell in love with her. Yes, I love him. Yes, I love her. It's like... It's like... Mice love rice. I don't think there's any reason for insistence. Just like, you don't ask why mice love rice.


One day, a huge purple cloud burst towards us. I was once again involved in time and space, so was Liu er. (liu'er is my wife's name) in time and space, I try to hold her hand tightly for fear of being separated.


When I woke up, I found that I had returned to the moon, and I was looking for Liu ER in a hurry. In front of me, I was in despair, but I hung my head down. Liu'er lost his voice. A sense of happiness has sprung up over the years.


Holding liu'er's hand is like holding his right hand with his left hand.




I found the communicator. What puzzled me was that time was still before I visited the superstar.


Isn't it 600 million light years?


Finally, I understand that Liu ER and I are swept into the vortex of time and back to the past. Back to the day of landing on the moon. The huge energy produced by meteor sword opens the door to return to time and space. It engulfs the whole BIHONG system. The disaster is finally over.


I look at liu'er. Liu'er looks at me.


There was a sweet smell in my heart.


smile into each other 's eyes.


Hand in hand.


Walking on the beach of the moon.


Time passed quickly, and I was about to start my moon landing again. I took out the research instruments from the lunar module. It is found that there are not only minerals on the surface of the moon, but also coal that has never been found by humans. Those coal can provide hundreds of millions of years of coal resources to the earth. Then we collected a lot of samples and prepared to take them to the earth for research, hoping to bring great effect to the earth.


What is the earth like on the moon? With a sense of curiosity, I took out the micro telescope. Wow, it's so beautiful. It's an empty blue crystal. I took out the camera and saved the beautiful scenery. Let people on earth share my experience. I always have to leave something on the moon, so I write a big stroke: when will the moon be, ask Qingtian about the wine. Su Shi, I didn't expect that your advertisements will hit the moon, and soon you will be popular all over the universe. However, you don't have to be moved to get up, I've learned.


Look back, shit. What a big fireball. It must be father sun. It's powerful. It's worthy of reputation. I can't help waving to father sun. Why don't you take a picture of him so that the earth can see what the sun is like on the moon. So I raised the camera again.


When I was taking a picture, I suddenly found a spaceship approaching to the moon. Then the spaceship landed and came out with several creatures similar to myself. They walked towards me and kept walking until they were ten centimeters away from me. They stopped and opened something that the earth would call mouth for sure: it's too rubbish for you to take pictures with such a thing. " "Yes, but do you have a pen and paper with you? If not, I'll send it to you in case you say that you can make a draft for the next sentence." The eardrum was insulted unprecedentedly, the angry flame rushed out of the throat, but the fine tradition of the Chinese nation put out the flame with a speed several light years higher than me, only winning a few flames.


They were not angry, they froze my anger with their actions. They just used the light to shine casually, and then an instrument appeared. "This is a space ion camera. It's a special camera for space craft. It can be shot no matter how far away it is. It has photographed something as far as 200 billion light-years.


I found that I was beginning to gape again. What's the way? Although human facial expressions are very colorful, they can't represent all human beings after all. How can we say that we can't let them out without human consent. I am a man of principle, ha ha Nausea In fact, it's self mockery. Oh!


Well, people on earth are too backward.


Mother, mother, hurry up and be strong!


By then they will be disgusting, and the word "garbage" will flow out of our lips and teeth.


Mother, mother, hurry up and be strong!


Go somewhere else, because I know my tolerance. Why do you have to let yourself be sad?


What can't be expected is the hospitality and persuasive ability of aliens, which makes you prefer to increase your grief. So I went into the abyss of sorrow. Unfortunately, it was a rare blessing for me at that time. Isn't it? Just think about the journey to the West.


So I had a second "moon meal" in their cabin. Compared with our food, it's really appropriate to generalize their food in terms of the difference between heaven and earth. Apart from shrimp or shrimp, they have no vegetables or radishes. Their rice is green. As we eat and talk, we become more and more speculative. (prove that my choice is right)


We are going to move to the moon next year. Said the alien.


So do we.


Great. Next year is next door. GOOD! GOOD!


Shit, they also learn English.


Talking and laughing It's hard to give up Injury leave: you asked return period has not been, Bashan night rain rose autumn pool. How to cut the west window candle together, but when it rains in the night.


Everything on the moon has opened my eyes, even my hair has been standing up. I sat in the Shenzhou cabin thinking. I didn't expect so many unknown things on the moon. Fortunately, Armstrong has gone to a place where I will go in the future, otherwise the whole world will suffer. No, you think, the whole world is full of his lung fluid, lung skin, lung blood, lung plasma, lung bacteria, Lung Qi Oh, don't worry, this day will never appear, he won't know, there is time and space for us to keep secret.


From the dangerous situation when I first arrived at the moon, to the persecution by the blood star people, to the rescue of the dark blue princess, to the time travel to 6.5 billion years later. But the time hasn't changed since I came back. As well as being the offspring of Wesley and dark blue emissary. All of it just gives me one feeling: unbelievable.


Besides, how can there be so many alien bases on the moon? It seems that the moon is not only valued by people on earth, but also has become the meat to be eaten by every planet.


All of a sudden, I remember something I forgot in the cabin. So out of the ship, came to the Shenzhou cabin headquarters.


"Hello, Xingyu, what's the matter?" I'm glad to ask.


"OK, have you finished the inspection of the goods to the earth?" I opened the instruction book.


"Yes, it's all in place." Fortunately, I took the instruction book in my hand, but I was a little uneasy. Will aliens find out on the way? It's purposeful to know that so many people come to the moon and set up bases. They are not vegetarian.


"They're not fuel efficient lights, you say. The danger hasn't gone away. We should be careful. " Through the hard space mirror, flying saucer after UFO, my face was cold.


After the dessert, I sat in the monitoring room for tea. The hatch is open. It's lucky that my assistant came in.


"Has the report been sent?" I put down the cup in my hand. Open a file from the computer.


"Yes, but I don't understand at all. Do you really want to bring the moon back to earth? This lets the alien know, but it's very dangerous. It's better to turn to dark blue. "


"You all know, but please don't worry. It will get better. "


"What about the earth? The United States has long suspected China's plan. If it is found out, China's Chang'e plan will die.


What can I do about it? I can't let it go. No matter what you do, you are always absent-minded. Suddenly a comrade came up and said, "what are you thinking? The soul doesn't turn to color." I told him the danger that Chang'e plan might encounter. But he thought for several days before he gave me an answer, which was not very satisfactory. But as long as we can save the plan, as long as we have only one percent assurance, we must try and fight, and the result is always spelled out, and the house is always stacked by bricks.


This experiment has begun again. I went to the surface of the moon and started further experiments. I took the instrument and began to explore.


It's still the same. I'll have to move that huge thing to the surface of the moon with high-tech controls, or I'll suffer again. Just put down the heavy instrument, we saw an unprecedented meteor shower. Look, look, I can't help singing: accompany you to watch the meteor shower, fall on this earth, let your tears fall on my shoulder There is a little-known event on the surface of the moon. I'm afraid I'm the only one who knows about this spectacle. I'm so moved. I don't know whether it's snot or tears. In a word, it's totally different. It's a mess. If I have to distinguish it, I can only say three words. I'm sorry, but if you're a little more gentle, I can make a good effort to give you a satisfactory answer. That's if you estimate it If the plan is good, it should be both. So you can die without regret. If they haven 't evolved into pigs.


Let's make a promise: in the new year, everyone will have smooth sailing, two dragons flying, three sheep Kaitai, four seasons peace, five blessings in front of the gate, six major Shun, seven stars shining high, eight directions to finance, nine in one heart, and perfect


I almost forgot my business when I came here to make a wish. There is always a word of "greed", but I'm not a monk. I'm not a nun. I'm not a Buddhist monk. Reason got me back to work. After all, it's about the life of mother earth.


First, take out the tools from the treasure chest, take some rocks for samples and take them back to the earth for experiments. It's so beautiful to work on the moon. My heart is always sweet.


The wonders that cannot be seen on the earth were actually seen on the moon. I photographed all the beauty with my camera.


I took out the telescope to observe the comet again, only to see that it was dragging a long silver tail, like a broom. It was really lucky to see it once in my life. We must record the beautiful scenery.


Ah, it's beautiful. Why there are no stars? Oh, there is no atmosphere on the moon.


Alas, although the moon is good, it's lonely and desolate. There is nothing to see but the crater. I'm going to take these samples and everything to earth. Let the scientists do a good job of research, the best way to move people to the moon.


Holding my beautiful expectation, I started the construction, and I said that I hope God can complete me. Soon I was finished, looking at the broad moon. I took a deep breath and looked forward to


There is a picture in my mind that we humans are developing rapidly on the moon and even more prosperous than on the earth.


Action is better than heart. I sent an e-mail to the United Nations asking them to mobilize people from all walks of life on earth to build the moon. As expected, the United Nations immediately sent a notice to all countries in the world, drawing the most outstanding scientists, engineers, designers, etc. from their respective countries to work on the moon. So the world began to build the moon.


After the signal was sent, the top leaders of the countries wanted me to send an E-mail saying that their high-tech talents would arrive on the moon in a few days. I watched while waiting on the moon. Soon, they all arrived. I introduced them to the moon, and they began to work.


The moon is like a stone that has been thrown many times. There is no flat spot. I don't know how many times I fell on the moon, but it didn't hurt at all when I fell. On the moon, I think the moon is very big, but in the universe, the moon is just like a grain of rice. If we develop the moon to be the size of the earth, we can bring people to live on it. Hope that this hope can soon become a reality.


A few days later, scientists and designers told me that they had been attacked. The construction materials were stolen. It's also said that it's done by strange looking people. Needless to say, my feelings immediately told me it was an alien. It must be the fighters of the red planet. Only they can do that. Despicable monster. They're going to blow up our base. Well, it's bad luck again. In the next few days, we were constantly attacked and attacked. If it's not for the sign of power, I'm afraid that it will be misunderstood as a small Japanese mopping up?


Later it was found that they were not aliens, but people wearing alien masks. They use this to stir up our relationship with aliens. They want us to lose both sides, and then yuweng will benefit. Fortunately, we found their plot, we will plan to kill all these wolves in sheep's clothing.


But before long, those people made a comeback and gathered aliens from several planets to occupy the moon.


Once again, we were attacked strongly. I sent e-mail to the headquarters to ask for help. The headquarters immediately sent e-mail and sent a gifted child to support us. Don't worry about being calm and calm. As for the gifted child, he must be Li Zeming, who is famous all over the four continents and seven oceans. He is only 14 years old. It's said that he climbed up 72 floors when he was born, pointing to the Leo and shouting jealously; there will be a meteor shower at 1:08:08 tomorrow. The next day there was a meteor shower, so people exclaimed, the gifted child. Later, his father thought for a moment and made a decision, saying, "let's call him Li Zeming.". Li is the record breaker, Ze is the meteor shower, and mingchuang contributes. I don't care for him very much. I can't even think of him. I can't dream of him. He's a dream in my heart. No, it's exactly a dream in my dream. I can't imagine that I'll meet him face to face soon. Maybe I'll shake hands with him. God, I'll be in close contact with him soon. That's the blessing I've cultivated for several generations. I really want to thank my previous life, previous life, previous life Previous life


These days, I seem to have spent in a dream. I was either overwhelmed or grateful. I not only saw the genius, but also talked with him, ate and even slept in the same bed. It's really close contact. It's really extraordinary. One day, in the middle of the night, I heard a special voice, like Aaron's voice. Did Aaron come to the moon to hold a concert? I was wondering, doubting, and searching. It was originally from the genius, so my love for the genius added another 10000 years.


Genius is worthy of being a genius. As soon as he came up, he restrained the plans of aliens. It also blew up a planet with a home-made Lim super hydrogen bomb. But all of a sudden, there are many "things" in the boundless universe that I don't know what shape to call. Anyway, they can't be expressed by using all the words of mathematics and chemistry. Right, Lu Xun is a wonderful word, and it's just used up. I think that's the reason why Lu Xun has a long history. However, my heart's exclamation is: it's really broad and profound, Chinese. Ah, there is a way that if I don't go to hell, I will go to hell. If I don't like Chinese, I will praise Chinese. Whoosh, the gifted child sat in front of the computer, ten fingers on the keyboard, and he saw only eight l2m flying towards things. It's so handsome. It's the invincible future of the East. Xiaoli Feidao reappears. Ah "handsome man, dangerous, since ancient times, he has been full of love and hatred. After all, a talented handsome man is not a monk, and he can't resist the beautiful MM's amorous feelings.". However, how can we call at the critical moment!!! But who should blame, mm beautiful guilty? It's from her parents. If she has any way, she should blame the talented and handsome man. No, it's his instinct. Besides, we can't forget that the talented and handsome man was originally called the talented child. There's no need to forgive the children's intellectual level. Cough, if we must investigate the responsibility, then blame the youth comprehensive card, young men and girls love, sigh, what is love? Is that how the eccentric person left the world? He is my idol, God Just as I was crying, a warm current flowed from my shoulder to my hair and toe. Obviously, it's a pair of gentle and magnetic hands, "aren't you?" "No, it's OK" I can hardly describe my expression and mood at that time, but one thing can be sure, I'm not sad. Although tears flooded my eyes, nose, mouth, the reason is very simple, he is still alive.


The alien has been eliminated, the gifted child Li Zeming and us have been saved, ha ha ha ha, we can hold our heads, chest, hands and go back to the earth. However, the gifted children actually become stupid at this time. Is it excessive excitement? At this time, the great inventor traitor said, fast, fast. Get the electric rod. It's strange to say that such a dozen people have become smart. People who don't know must say that they are beaten. People who do know have to say strange things. In order to celebrate, we opened a party and sang many songs, but the content was the same: Genius, weirdo, genius, weirdo, genius


This evening, we had a good time. The next morning, when the gifted child stepped on the spaceship, the alien launched an attack on us. In the sudden attack, several intelligent robots were hit and died in a very ugly way. At this time, the most sad thing is the gifted child. I have never seen him cry, let alone cry into this virtue. I envy you so much. I feel guilty at this time. So I started to cry. "We're going to avenge" the rational rage pulled us back from the abyss of pain. So we fired several L2MS in a row, but they were all melted by the alien's laser gun. We were helpless. I had to watch the robots being killed. In desperation, I suddenly remembered that there was a kind of missile in the cabin that could destroy any weapon, but there was only one. I immediately ran to the cabin, studied with several scientists, and finally divided the ammunition into several parts. Then wrap it in a shell and give it to everyone. Put them in a laser gun and shoot them out. After we fired the bullets, they used laser guns to destroy them. But it's a pity that they failed. We all jumped up happily. But the disaster has always been very united, there is a more powerful enemy - Super blood star. What should we do?


We should build more powerful bullets, shells, cannons, super large ones, and make a lot of them to deal with these little bastard aliens. If that doesn't work, what should we do? Please think of a way, our robot is about to be destroyed by those little bastard aliens.


Then a planet bigger than Mars collided with the moon. What's strange is that the always calm and calm genius children suddenly shout and hide and hide to go home. I still don't understand whether he is scared or mad. But one thing is for sure, his image has been greatly discounted. Command from Earth headquarters: use Mars missiles. We said no, we sent instructions. We made another one. We comforted him. Don't be afraid. Be calm. We defeated the enemy as instructed. However, there are 10 billion times more water Martians than the enemies just now. What should we do? Look at the next breakdown.


We can build more weapons on the planet to protect the moon.


Yes, the moon is the only natural satellite of the earth. It is the nearest celestial body to us. There are still undiscovered resources on the moon. Maybe part of it is the source of our earth's life. For example, in the process of the moon approaching the moon, the ocean on the earth's surface appears strong tides, and sharp fluctuations cause great friction. As a result, the temperature of the earth increases dramatically, which causes the melting of the earth's magma in the center of the earth to rotate under the action of high temperature and high traction. The result is a magnetic field. It is this giant magnetic field that forms a protective shield for the earth. It reduces the invasion of cosmic rays from space and enables life on earth to survive and grow. So we have to protect the moon. We have to fight the super water Martians to the end. Of course, no matter what the gifted child is, or is mad, his superior orders him to stay.


Li Zeming was pleased to receive the order and said, "I am a gifted child. I will definitely make full profits. I will use my brain and hands to make the" genius Li Zeming 1 "spacecraft. After it is completed, it will take only one hour to go to the water fire planet. If I can't beat them, I will be very convenient to run.". My people will be safe. " Genius, it's not built.


OK, but what if it doesn't work? So we don't want to be attacked by aliens. It will be more realistic to build a few Scud missiles in case of emergency. (in any case, it's only a few minutes, everything will be OK.) but the spaceship still needs to be built. If it can't be beat, it's OK to run. The protein also knows. It's better to build a few shells on it. The aliens will come after it and defend it. Gee, what's genius doing? I walk in and see if he's a human being. (for Dongdong, who can climb 72 floors at birth, its biological property is also very questionable.) unexpectedly, unexpectedly, he fell asleep on the robot at this moment, and played the sound of sleep, lest people didn't know that he would also sleep. When is it? Anger made me raise my hand, close my fingers, and then there was a storm. But genius is still zzz. He is an iron man. He can't wake up like this. No, you guessed wrong. I hit his clothes. He's a genius. He can't fight. I'm not a hooligan. I'm afraid of him. Anger kept rising. I fell all the things in the cabin that I didn't need to apologize for. It was another crackle.


The genius finally woke up, but it was too exaggerated. He picked up the hammer and the electric wand. "Here comes the alien. Let's go." "No, it's me. Please think about something quickly. Next time, it's really an alien." "I'm sorry. Go to have a rest. I will not let you down." I made a gesture of apology. In fact, at this time, I regretted my behavior just now. After all, I haven't closed my eyes for forty-nine days and forty-nine nights. But now again, cough, pain, depression.


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