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发布时间:2020-05-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Standing on my own land, I leave home and go to school every day. I leave my own land and go to the other side's land. It's like this every day, but it's not a big thing. It's as heavy as they say. But it's also called stepping on one side of the earth!


There are several reasons for stepping on one side of the earth. It's the same meaning with the land you leave home and the land you leave school. We are just like stepping on the other side of the earth. Stepping on the other side of the earth means not only other meanings, but also another meaning.


There is such a story, "Zuo Zhuan" records the story of Prince Jin's escape: day and night, hungry and cold ears, begging for food from an old farmer in the field. The old farmer holds a handful of soil and hands it to him without saying a word. Chong'er was about to get angry, but he was dissuaded by others,. And whispered a few words. Chong'er suddenly fell to his knees and kowtowed to heaven. Then he took a handful of earth seriously, put it on the car and continued to flee....... This story tells us the truth. As long as you go to another place, but this place still belongs to you, it means that you go to a place and come to a place that you are reluctant to leave. This is because you have feelings for this place.


"Head a sky, foot a square earth", who can leave the earth's mother, can leave the land under their feet! Some people are far away from their hometown for different reasons, but nostalgia is common. I also feel reasonable to hear this sentence, which shows that leaving their own place really has feelings.


Step on one side of the earth. Everyone understands this sentence. Some answer ordinary people. But it's reasonable to really understand this sentence, which means that some people only need to understand the meaning. But reasonable people say it well. Now, land is endowed with environmental protection significance. The land nurtured human beings and continued to write brilliance.


Stepping on one side of the earth, stepping on the land, leaving the land, people lose the basis for survival.


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