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发布时间:2020-05-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Kong Yiji drinks half a bowl of wine and leaves the Xianheng hotel. Slowly use two hands to move on the ground, two eyes dare not look sideways. A few naughty boys followed him, shouting as he ran. Kong Yiji just lowered his head and ignored him. After a while, the urchins felt bored and dispersed.


When a cold wind blows, the yellow leaves on the trees fall down one after another. The whole town of Lu is very quiet. Only the sound of the brush of the Pu Bao under Kong Yiji's body rubbing under the ground is heard. Occasionally, one or two passers-by passed by Kong Yiji without looking at him.


Kong Yiji moved aimlessly, unconsciously out of Lu Town, with a thick layer of ash on the road. As soon as his feet fell to the ground, the dust flew with a "flutter". His eyes were fascinated and his face was gray, but he didn't look back, so he went on


In the evening, Kong Yiji rubbed against a small hill and saw a village not far away. At this time, he had already exhausted his strength, and could not move half a step. The cold wind blows in front of him. The yellow leaves are swaying in the wind. From time to time, there are bursts of crow's "quack, quack" calls. Kong Yiji shivers all over. He looks up at the gray sky and feels speechless.


He looked around and found that there was a small grass house in front of him. The walls on both sides were askew and slanted. The thatch on the roof drifted down in disorder after the wind blew. Kong Yiji struggled desperately to get through, pushed open the open door and squeezed in. He wanted to avoid the wind for a while, so he could have a rest. With a faint light through the crack of the door, the room was dark and damp, and there was nothing but straw in the corner. Kong Yiji tidied up the straws and laid them on the ground. His eyes were closed tightly. At this time, his stomach was already hungry and he cried directly. He didn't have the strength to open his eyes. His whole body seemed to be scattered. Maybe he was too tired. Soon, he fell asleep in a daze.


He suddenly saw a flash of golden light in front of his eyes, and his body slowly floated up. He floated out of the cottage and fell into a small garden. He was wearing a luxurious number one scholar's uniform, an official hat, and official boots. He was full of spring light, stroking his neatly combed beard with one hand, pacing eight steps, pacing up and down the house, showing a smile from time to time.


In a trance, Kong Yiji returned to Lu town in an official sedan chair, and then came to Xianheng hotel. He walked with his hands on his back and glanced at the shopkeeper with his eyes. The shopkeeper recognized Kong Yiji at a glance, hurriedly ran out, bent down in fear and said, "please give me my best wishes and come in and sit down." Kong Yiji did not speak, holding his head up, hands back, long pace into, followed by the followers. The shopkeeper's quick step comes over, opens the curtain of the inner room, lets Kong Adult enter.


When Kong Yiji settled down, the shopkeeper immediately wiped the table with a rag. Then he handed the menu to Kong Yiji with both hands. Kong Yiji stroked his beard, looked at it for a long time, slowly ordered several dishes, and said slowly, "that's all. Then I'll get some wine and vegetables for my entourage, and calculate the accounts together with the 19 money I owed last time." The shopkeeper said with a smile, "Mr. Kong, where did you go? You can sit in the shop. You can look up to it. You have to take care of it in the future." I saw the shopkeeper saying that he was filling Kong Yiji with wine while Kong Yiji just smiled, held out two fingers, put the glass on his mouth and sipped it, with a proud smile on his face


A gust of wind blew by, the broken door was blown open, and the grass on the roof slowly flew up. Kong Yiji shivered for a moment. When he woke up, it turned out to be a dream. He hurriedly climbed over with both hands, trying to close the door as hard as he could. Suddenly, there was a loud crash, and the roof and wall of the hut collapsed. Kong Yiji was buried under the ground without even humming.


There was a cold wind, only a few crows standing on the bare tree. Lu town was very quiet


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