中英文对照 话剧剧本:蚂蚁和蟋蟀Ant and Cricket-查字典英语网
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中英文对照 话剧剧本:蚂蚁和蟋蟀Ant and Cricket

发布时间:2013-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编
英语剧本:蚂蚁和蟋蟀Ant and Cricket
Scene1:春去夏来,Ants 慢慢挪动身子.
Line: The ants are in their hibernation till spring. They eat and rest a lot, but work little. How easeful they are! Now, summer is coming,(场景变化)what will they do? Let’s see!
Ant Father: Baby ants, baby ants, get up! It’s summer now! (叫醒ants)
Ant Mother: How beautiful it is! (欣赏夏天的美丽)
Hurry up! (转向ants,催)
Little ant: Oh, no! I want to rest more! (撒娇状)
Ants(惊讶): Ai?
Ant Mother: Hurry up, baby! Don’t be lazy!
Ant Father: Look! There are many food here and there, let’s carry it!
Ants: Come on! (鼓励Little Ant)
Little Ant(作不情愿状):I……,I’ m sleepy! (找借口,于是又躺下)
Ants: Oh? (奇怪)
Ant Sister(捡起脚边的nut): Look, sister! There is a nut. (品尝) Mm, it’s sweet! (拿给Little Ant) Taste it!
Little Ant: Oh! (意外喜悦) Very delicious, I like it!
Ant Mother: Baby, there are many food all over the place, we need to carry and stock it for winter sleep, you know? (搭着Little Ant肩膀, 语重心长地说)
Little Ant: Yes, Mom. (认识到自己的错误,难为情的低下头)
Ant Father: Ready-----go! (带领集体开始干活)

Scene2: Ants忙碌着搬运和储藏的工作.
Line: Now, there is a cricket, he plays a lot but work little. Look, he’s playing with a butterfly!
Cricket: Woo, woo----! I can get you, get you! (cricket要捕捉butterfly)
Butterfly: Speed up! (加速飞离)
Cricket: Oh, wait、wait!
Cricket: Ah! (无奈)
Cricket(面对观众自我介绍) Hello, I’ m cricket! I like golden summer(指向身后的景色). I have enough food around(指着周围的食物),rice 、nut、candy、orange……(话语转换) Also, I like playing with my friends! (开心自豪)
Dragonflies(跳舞出场):Hi, cricket! Let’s dance together!
Cricket(马上迎上):Ok! (排好队伍跳舞,方向移动中看到正在忙碌工作的Ants)
Cricket: Who are they? (怀疑地问Dragonfly) Little Ants?
Dragonfly: Yes! (点头)
Cricket: Hey, Little Ants! Have a break!
Cricket& Dragonfly: Let’s dance!
Little Ant: Sorry! We are working! (很懂事地回答,又继续工作)
Cricket(走近Ants): (观看一会Ants的工作) Stop! Stop! There are enough food for you,(指着周围食物)It’s unnecessary to stock food .
Ant Sister: Cricket, we are getting ready for our winter sleep, as it is too cold to get food in winter.
Ants: En! (点头表示同意)
Cricket: (不屑) How silly you are !
Dragonfly: Silly , silly! (附和着)
Cricket& Dragonfly: Play is the first! (坚持着)
Ant Mother:(安慰) Baby! Forget it! Let’s go on!
Cricket& Dragonfly(朝ants): Bye!
Cricket : Let’s go on !

Line: The cricket repeat his leisured life in the cool autumn. Now, winter is coming, it blows hard and snows heavily.
Cricket: What a white world! (面对白茫茫一片发感慨) I’m cold!(哈欠)(肚子响) Oh! I’m hungry! (漫步在雪地找食物,找不到食物有些着急)
Ants: Cheer! (举杯干杯)
Ant Sister: Dad, it is for you! (饭桌上夹菜)
Little Ant: It’s for you, Mom! (学着Sister做)
Ants: For you, for you! (争先恐后夹给父母)
Cricket: Should I come in? ---Oh, no, I’m ashamed! ---But, I’m hungry! (捂着肚子作思想斗争矛盾着)
Ant Father(开门)
Cricket: (轻声地) Mr. Ant, I’m sorry, I …
Ant Father(有点惊讶,马上反应过来):Come in , please!
Ants(拍手):Welcome! (Ant Mother拿另一副碗筷)
Little Ant: Have a seat!
Cricket(惭愧): If I were working hard in summer, I should have food now. I’m sorry!(朝ants道歉)
Little Ant: Forget it !
Ant Sister: Don’t be sad!
Ant Father: Just know you mistake…
Ant Mother(紧跟其后): And correct it!
Cricket :(重叹口气)I will. I promise! (发誓)
Ant Sister: Let’s have dinner!
All: Cheer!

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