

发布时间:2020-04-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


"Good rain knows the season, when spring happens..."


Spring is always like this, with the continuous drizzle, the rain is as thin as hair, which brings a little warmth to everything that has endured a season of cold winter. Occasionally walking in the woods, mingled with the fragrance of wild flowers from time to time into the body, making people feel comfortable. I've been hiding all winter. It's time to go out.


Spring is a call. She is like a virtuous and gentle woman, calling softly beside the sleeping child, her voice is light and soft, as sweet as a stewardess. She tries to wake him up, but she can't bear to wake him up. She only hopes that the child can hear his mother's call vaguely in her dream and gradually wake up.


"I can't sleep in spring." It's not easy for children who dream in spring to wake up, so does everything. What's more, that spring God can't bear to wake him up! So, all things have been sleeping, but the spring God is not discouraged, still calling around them constantly, Kung Fu does not fail the intentional people, one day, all things will wake up


Spring is the starting point. As the saying goes, "spring is the plan of a year." Spring is the first season of the year. Although it's just beginning, it can't bear to lose to anyone. It's like a relay race, trying to lay the foundation for the future and make a good start.


So, in the spring, people began to work hard to do what they should do. Farmers work hard in the fields, and birds sing to praise their hard work; workers operate in factories, and the roar of machines compose a symphony to praise their contributions; students study hard in schools, and their achievements are foretold with distinct scores. In a word, in spring, everyone starts from this starting point and runs fast


Spring is hope. It is not only the hope of farmers, but also the hope of people from all walks of life. Who doesn't want a safe year? Which businessman didn't want to make more money this year? Who would not wish all the best in the year? Therefore, people have laid down their wishes in spring, hoping to realize them one by one by the end of the year. However, whether there is hope or not is not a matter of fact. Spring, though changing from year to year, can only be realized after hard work. Therefore, spring is also the season of cultivation.


Spring is the call; spring is the starting point; spring is the hope; spring needs more cultivation. Therefore, we need to grasp our existing youth, let the heart call for the spirit of deep sleep, let the cowardly legs stand on the starting point of hope, cultivate life with youth, let that hope be sown in spring and reaped in the future.


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