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发布时间:2020-04-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编




I am very lucky and proud to have you as a capable mother. Other mothers who can't give will find a way to give it to me, as long as it's what I want.


My mother gave me a lot, also paid a lot, but I give you very little return, I am very guilty.


Mom tries her best to change her life, work hard, make money, for home, for me, for life Your beautiful corner of the eye and your weathered face have wrinkled together, but you have no regrets or regrets!


Mom is a very strong and hard-working woman. She can do what other women can't do, and can bear a lot of setbacks. Your super tolerance has changed back to the peak of your career, the bright one among your women.


Mom: I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. But I am not happy, I feel very depressed, because my mother


Mom wants her daughter to stand out like you, but she has her own life goal. You may not know that your daughter inherited everything from you, including your shortcomings, which is stubborn. Because there is no harmony in the family, it's quiet all day Even if you buy a house, your daughter never goes in. It's not that the daughter doesn't respect you or love you, but the daughter doesn't want to walk like a stranger with her mother. My daughter really wants my mother to be the same as other moms. She is good at asking her daughter what's wrong with her. She can go shopping with her mother hand in hand, go for a walk with her mother, talk to her mother's heart, and share the unhappiness in her mother's heart But these most intimate and common phenomena have never happened to you and me. When they walk together, they are also separated from each other. Once I accompanied you to talk about business, it suddenly rained, you and I together hold a sunshade umbrella, you put your hand on my shoulder, I feel very uncomfortable, very unnatural. When the rain is light, I'll run away from your arms. I'd rather get back in the rain. In a flash, I suddenly understood that you and I are already very strange, with a long distance and a deep generation gap. We have too few words That's because we lack communication.


Mom: when I grow up, you can let go and let me fight for my dream. I have my pursuit and the life and love I want. I don't want to listen to your arrangement, because I don't want to find a person I don't love, even if he has more knowledge, ability and family background No daughter wants it. My daughter only wants to find a partner worthy of a lifetime. Now that she has found one, please rest assured. Give us time, we will do what you want little by little. There will be bread, milk and everything.


I know that my mother is good for me, and I hope I have a better life than my mother, "the line in the hands of a loving mother, the jacket of a wandering child", all mothers in the world are the same. Thank you for your love.


Mom, I need your blessing, with your blessing we will be more happy, I believe my daughter chose the right person, love the right person! Please also believe that your daughter can do it.


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